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Everything posted by bondy
  1. the tumbs logo should look like this 1 nice job mate on the 198B
  2. bondy

    timing and points

    may be a break in the HT lead this happened to me a while ago turned out the wire in the end off the coil had corroded so i cut it back abit then it was fine. like you said could be a loose wire if it's sparking some times then not sparking. could be a number off things i would start with the wiring first then check timing points. could also be a faulty plug. there are some dodgy plugs about claiming there genuine and there not. so could be that. hope this helps.
  3. bondy

    Wheel Building

    just got new spokes from inmotion for my next build
  4. very deep pockets but worth it hears 1 i did not to long ago
  5. Ah like your thinking. i have took the hangers off now and cleaned off the weld ready for them to go back on.
  6. i got some Apico ones for my next build have not ued them yet a my other bike as original pegs i need to get some 1 to weld the hangers on the correct way this time
  7. bondy

    timing and points

    throw it in the bin and buy 1 off these
  8. you should not need any sealant if it's just the rubber no need to be putting sealant on just the rubber make sure the groove the rubber sits in is clean replace with old rubber if it's ok or new 1 that's it oh and as above don't over tighten
  9. happy newyear done a few for the plastic tanks. first take the tap off there should be a groove in the tap where the rubber sits into if the rubber if looks ok you should be ok to reuse if not buy a new rubber it's only a o ring but needs to be the correct size and thickness. that's all you need don't put silicon on as it's messy and is no good for fuel. when putting the tap back on don't be heavy handed doing the bolts up they only need to be hand tight. there brass inserts in the plastic can easy be striped.hope this is of help.
  10. bondy

    Bultaco 159

    you are wasting your time trum putting more decals on they will come off again plastic tanks don't like decals the fuel breaths throw the plastic. no matter what you do. only way round it is to buy a Alloy tank are a fiber glass 1 does look nice tho.
  11. bondy

    Bing Slide

    mikuni or good from inmotion
  12. was that the video where he fitted a ELECTREX WORD ignition?
  13. i bought an electric ignition as am in the same position my bike is running spot on. i was told to leave it on points as if set up correct it will run better. some like them some don't they are good if you can't set points and timing as there maintainence free.
  14. the 199b should have a bing on it as standard the 198B had a Amal on it you can still get the bing carbs but most put mickuni on or similar. mine still have the bing on and runs very well on it.
  15. any chance off some photos off the 199b
  16. iv'e worked it out from the numbers given mine should off been around the 600 in production. but not sure think this would off been around 1982 may be late 1982 ill have to check with inmotion. All the fun off owning a bultaco.
  17. As Woody said wouldn't worry about it if it's got 6 gears then it's a 199B unless some 1 as put the 6 speed gear box in another crank case but don't think that can be done. iv'e heard about 5 speed gear box being put into a 199B email the engine number and frame number to inmotion bultaco uk and Ask them they will conform model and year off bike. but i wouldn.t worry mate if it runs and gears are ok just ride it.
  18. use weather strip comes in a roll for a £5 sticks well to. use a 198b 199b filter like this.
  19. bondy

    Bultaco Fork Oil

    180ml regardless off model 15W FOR HEAVY rider 10W for lighter rider.
  20. bondy

    Bing Slide

    yes looks well worn i replaced mine not to long ago. sometimes you have to poke the needle jet out with a small screwdriver. if it's rusted up better off just replacing the carb as you say for a oko carb or a mikuni.
  21. bondy

    M199B Gearbox

    like this 1 this 1 just been preped for my next rebuild. shame as i sold a 199B the other month in bits with good 6 speed gear box only have the 1 6 speeder now witch i hardly use.
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