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Everything posted by bondy
  1. bondy

    199B Fork Caps

    hi these are 1 off my 199bs forks ive just serviced with new seals and springs and new damper parts caps are the closed typ with just the breather hole wich work well.
  2. bondy

    199B Fork Caps

    hello ive never known this to happen may be theres to much oil in the forks. should only be 180ml in each fork. to clean the fork caps take them off there should be a tiny nut on the bottom undo it be carfull theres a small spring and ball bearing inside soak them in some wd 40 then dry spoke the vent hole with some thin wire then put them together. but my gess is theres to much oil in the forks.
  3. bondy


    just had to strip my 199B same thing had the rebore done new piston thought it was all going to well untill i noticed the main crank bearings was loose. so now i have all the new parts awaiting rebuild.
  4. bondy


    as dasbster says inmotion i bought a 85.50 not to long ago not the original MAHLE but there a good after market piston. £165.00
  5. hi would start with standard carb jets and slide and needel. ajust the Air screw if its still the same the problem must be some where else. could be points or the timing also the crank seals may need changing. is the carb inlet ruber cracked may be sucking Air in or may be not tight enough all these things can cause problems some times its easy to over look things. carbs do have to be spot on so dose the points and timing.
  6. bondy

    More Bultacos

    hello Hywel sorry didnt get back to you been up the wall with 1 thing and another. satdays ok
  7. bondy

    More Bultacos

    Woody is correct in what he says but them tanks are as rare as hens teeth. and would probbaly cost more. to be honest i only got the alloy tank for show alot off money if you fall off and dent it i just use plastic tanks on my bikes. Answer to the fuel tap is yes theres plenty off clearance between tap and cylinder head.
  8. bondy

    More Bultacos

    if your looking for a alloy tank for the 199B i bought 1 from inmotion (bultaco uk) £295 comes with tap. looks good on same shape as a plastic tank but in alloy as woody said. i havant had my painted yet.
  9. bondy

    199B Swing Arm

    it has been modified 2 sleeves has been welded in treee quarters down the boss. thats what you are looking at in the first photo. the plastic outer bush has been taken out by me. i have orderd new brass bushes. i will have the new bushes modified to work with the modified swing Arm. the gap between the 2 inner bushes where the engine mount gose as been made smaller.
  10. bondy

    199B Swing Arm

    hello guys ive took the swing Arm off to change the bushes. only to find the boss and bushes have been modified looks like the plastic outer bush as been turned down. looks like theres been a sleave welded in on the inside theres a lip for some reason i dont know. so the only thing i can think of doing is to buy the standard bushes.and have them turned down to fit.hears some photos any beter ideas would be greatful.
  11. oh yeah there are plenty on the USA ebay site i for got. think i payed £60 for my 199A crank and payed £10 for the seal carriers. worth just asking inmotion. cant beleave some body welded the crank pin back on.
  12. am not sure mate ive never been but have heard you can some times get parts. like i said if it was me id just buy another bike your going to find it hard to get them parts unless theres some body on hears thats got a spare 1 if your not in a rush just keep your eye on ebay they do come up from time to time. have you tryed inmotion?
  13. shouldnt make any drifance to the seal holdee.do they look anything like the ones in the photo i put on hear? you can buy a new crank from spain but not cheap. your beter off buying a conplete motor and taking the good bits you need off it. failing that if you can wait see if you can buy a conplete 199 or got the telford bike show in feb you may get your parts there.
  14. sorry bully i correct myself this is my 198A. wich is being rebuilt.
  15. this is the 199A i did replaced the crank seals.
  16. yes they are hard to get off. whats the rest of the bike like?
  17. hi bully i had the same problem with the sleave behind the clutch weight. the seal retainers do they look like these.
  18. hi bully glad you got to the bottom of the problem. the sleave behind the wight can some times cease on i had the same happen to me.
  19. back in the early 80s i use to go to a place in wigan what use to be a coal place big slag heaps loads of hills i had a suzuki 125 made into a trials i rember geting stuck in some mud and my mates was laughing at me they had Montesa bultacos and A aprilia trials. thos days was the best no body use to bother us i think its still there but i dont think you can ride there any more.
  20. bondy

    Front Fork Damper

    hi guys thanks for your help i did have the sleave on up side down my only other question is the space with the raised lip on it dose this face down into the recess?
  21. what a photo i was 6 years old didnt even know what a bultaco was untill the early 80s
  22. the Amal throttels are good ive just bought a few bits for my 199B
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