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Everything posted by bondy
  1. bondy

    199B Swing Arm

    cheers Graham ill look out for some cement. as for the pre 65 plastic chain slipper i was thinking off buying 1 but i dont think it will stay on unless i drill a small hole into the swind Arm.and use a self tap screw but i dont want to start drilling holes in the swing Arm as you probley know there hard to replace. so ill try the cement first the slippers last years before they need changing also theres rubber already wrapt around the boss ive tryed it and it sits nice on top cheers guys. oh Graham if i did ever what to take the slipper off whats the cement like to take off?
  2. bondy

    199B Swing Arm

    hello Graham what glue did you use?
  3. bondy

    199B Swing Arm

    hello all my swing arm on my 199B has no bracket for the top chain sliper looks like its been taken off at some time in its life. there is thick rubber wrapt around the boss its doing the job but as started to rub throw. as anybody any ideas on how to replace it with out taking the swing arm off? hears a photo
  4. bondy


    From the album: Untitled Album

    198A bottom end
  5. bondy


    From the album: Untitled Album

    198A bottom end
  6. bondy


    From the album: Untitled Album

    198B new alloy tank waiting for paint
  7. bondy


    From the album: Untitled Album

    198A brand new rear wheel relined new spokes new rim .and tyre
  8. bondy


    From the album: Untitled Album

    198A barrel.and head cleaned and painted.
  9. bondy


    From the album: Untitled Album

  10. bondy


    From the album: Untitled Album

  11. bondy


    From the album: Untitled Album

    199B rebored with new 85.50 piston.
  12. very nice indeed the 199A is a great bike.
  13. some times you have 2 heat the piston then tap it out with a drift. make sure you have took the sir clip out. if the piston isnt to bad you can use it.and clean the carbon off if you dont plan on buying a new piston i would at least buy new rings. as for making a 250 into a 350 am not sure about that 1 but if it was me i would wait and see if a 350 came up i have a 199A spare motor but plan on rebuilding it.
  14. bondy


    no not intrested
  15. bondy


    hi guys anybody seen the 199B on fleebay? was thinking of buying it but the guy told me it takes 20 kicks to start it.and sombody else whent to look at it. and said the gears are rough.and couldnt find 6th gear sounds dodgie to me. glad i didnt go though with buying it know.
  16. hi to split the case first take the clutch basket off and weight then gear selector. also the magneto and igintion plate undo the 12 nuts on the L/H side then put the engin in the oven for 15 minets at 300f if a oven is not possibal use a blow torch.and concentrate the heat all around the middal of the crank cases shouldnt take long before you can split it. if the pin is stiff heat the piston up a littel then the pin should come out really easy. as for the piston if its damaged your probley better just buying a new 1 and get the barrel rebored.
  17. bondy

    198A Crank

    hi steve thanks for that. i did not have the L/H retainer on i didnt hit it that hard but it did drop on the soft mating on my workbench i will have it rechecked. cheers
  18. bondy

    198A Crank

    hi guys thanks for your help i have used the C3 bearings. i did the freezing methord wich works well but when i dropt the crank in the case its gone in to fare and was rubbing on the case i may have to have the crank checked in case i have bent it out it fell out the case when i was geting it back out but only onto the work bench dont know if this would do anything but to be on the safe side i will get it checked. ive been told off some one that says he has heard this a few times so hopfully he will let me know what to do cheers bondy.
  19. bondy

    198A Crank

    hi guys i have come across aproblem with my crank on my 198A (250) i have put it into the L/H crank case no problems dropt stright in when ive come to bolt both cases toghther the crank is really stif to turn. when i loosen the half case nuts it frees up i have noticed theres a biger gap on the other side were the crank meets the case. so i gess as am tightening the bolts its jaming up on the L/H side so ive strip it all back down. and this morning i have put the crank back into the L/H case but left a bit of a gap has anybody come across this before? are ham i doing somthing wrong? spoke to big john he has told me he has heard of this happening before think he as a friend who its happend to. so any help will be good cheers bondy.
  20. bondy


    ok woody glad i could help. as for the coment made by noel063 when i split the engin the gearbox fell out as i didnt have anything to put the engin on my fault.
  21. bondy


    woody no body seems to know wich way round it gose but common sense tells me the shim with the lip on it faces outwards it dose fit on the inside of the bearing in the crank case behind the clutch basket. but am not 100% sure. the other thing an not sure about is the small gear cog if you look on the photo above its number 10 it as a raised shoulder on it again i think it faces outwards if i turn it the other way the teeth are not level with the other cog. am at the stage know were am ready to put both cases back together but want to be 100% sure the gears are in the correct place. woody if you need any info on the parts book let me know i could scan it and email you them .
  22. bondy


    woody the parts book is only for 198A 199 199A
  23. bondy


    hi woody am not sure mate. ill check it tomorrow i know on the data sheets it dose say 198A.and 199A i will take a photo off the book and the inside. ive been told the washer on the 4th gear with the lip faces outwards. the other quetion i wanted to ask you is the small gear cog near 4th gear theres a rasised shoulder on it am thinking this faces out i will take phot .and show you.
  24. bondy


    Woody the spacer is in the parts book number 39 inbetween the 4th gear and the clutch bearin.
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