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Everything posted by bondy
  1. bondy

    199B Side Decals

    hi Graham the side stand is not standard as you can see. it is on the correct side of the swing arm. and works well i havant got any idea what its off.
  2. bondy

    199B Side Decals

    hello dabster the bike has had some mods done these were done when i bought the bike. alls i can tell is its a DID wheel. am gessing its off a jap bike witch 1 i have no idea. and the S/Arm has been brought Forward and extended at the rear looks like its been done proper. it dose turn pritty tight not sure about the headstock dosant look like its been changed. the headsteady also has been moded to. looks to be verry strong and neat. the engin has been rebuilt to all the crank case nuts look new. i need the forks rechroming witch i plant to do soon i have some new moden seals to go in. rides supberb tho since piuting the new mikuni on
  3. bondy

    Clutch Plates

    hi Graham thanks for your info. i do have a good spare primarry chain tenstioner with the wheel i think ill put it on and keep the other as a spare. cheers bondy.
  4. bondy

    Clutch Plates

    hi guys ive just stript my clutch on the 198A and the plates look abit worn. but they seem to be working ok i have new frition plates witch i was going to put in my 199B but i can buy another set for that. would it be a good idea do you think just to put the new frition plates in why ive got it stript? also has anybody seen a primarry chain tenstioner like this 1? looks like its been moded to relace the wheel it dose the job fits nice i do have a good spare 1 with a wheel.
  5. bondy


    hi guys to the primarry clutch case off and took the clutch basket off took gear slecter off prawls look ok go ive checked the clutch plates look worn but not to bad i have new frition plates but there for my 199B when i can be botherd. dont think the clutch would make the gears stiff only thing i can think off is am using the wrong oil or theres a problem in side.
  6. bondy

    199B Side Decals

    cheers dabster.
  7. bondy

    199B Side Decals

    hi thanks for the offer but am sorted now. i was luch i bought the last pair of inmotion there alot easyer to put on to. only reason am asking on hear is because my mate has same bike and wants the same decals. so if you could make some id probley have some to as a spare.
  8. bondy


    hi guys thanks for your replies. yes i changed the clutch oil with the recomended oil the guy i bought it of put a new primarry chain testioner on it so may be he did somthing its worth a check. i spoke to inmotion. and has you say bullylover they said try changing the oil agan becaus it was like pee and black. i no the guy said he fluched the gear box out with pirfin. ive riden the bike a few times so ill change the oil again then if no difrant ill pull the clutch cover off .and have alook. another thing i didnt mention when going from 2nd gear to 3thd somtimes it gose into Neutral if you have anymore ideas guys keep them coming thanks again :thumbup:
  9. bondy


    hello guys just need some addvice. my gears on my 198A are stiff first is easy to slect 2nd is ok once the bike is inmotion 3thd gose in ok but cluncks and 4th and 5th abit stif. the oil hadnt been changed for awhile i think when i drained it it was black and like water so ive put new oil in castrol 80/90 but still the same. now when i try to put the gears in when the bike is not runing seems to be alot easyer. please dont tell me i have to split the engin. but if need to be i sopose it will have to be done hope not.
  10. i also got a brand new bing carb from spain that was good but i sold the bike. its your own choice at the end of the day
  11. hi agree boghopper i had 2 Amals on a 199A and my 198B both was hard work.
  12. theres nothing wrong with mikunis there a good carb. some guys just like to try diffrant carbs.
  13. just to add i service my bing and didnt really make any diffrance. the mikunis are good i payed £106 for mine and it cane with spare jets.
  14. hi if it runs ok on the Amal i would leave it on. but i had a good bing on my 199B but since puting a new mikuni on it runs so much beter. all 3 off my bultacos have mikuni on and all run sweet. its personal choice really but if the Amal is in good condtion why do you need to change it?
  15. bondy

    199B Side Decals

    hi guys dose anybody know where a can buy side decals with the 340 format rather than the 350 i have them on mine but a mate of mine whats some. photo off my 199B
  16. no worrys woody. am going to probely put the new friton plates in this week just ordered a new clutch gasket.
  17. not sure just ring inmotion back they will tell you. somthing ive never changed.
  18. i do have 2 spare clutch baskets 1 alloy 1 steel but you will be ok i did put a new clutch on my 199A with all the 5 steel plates and the 4 frition plates and it was fine. its beter to ask the quetion if your not sure.
  19. hi joe i thought id emailed you with the same answer?
  20. was talking to a guy whos had bultacos 40 years he said you can put them on eigther way he also said hes had no damage what so ever to the clutch basket with the plate going on the hub first. so its up to you witch way you do it am going with inmotion.
  21. on the friton plates i have bought from inmotion its the metel plate first then the frition plate you should finish with a metel plate. i was told this off inmotion.
  22. hi as woody said they go back to back the open ends should be facing out on both sides. the sides with the size of the seal is the side that gose back to back with the other.
  23. cheers Guys going to try and get out this weekend give it a blast thanks again for your coments
  24. hi all finaly the 198A is back together just got the wheels back from being respoked. was going to put a new tank on it but i ended up using the old 1 hear is some photos.
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