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Everything posted by bondy
  1. hi mate ive just had alook at my 198A should be the same as a 199A the spacer on the brake side is 13mm and the other side is 23mm but the one on the brake side that gose behind the brake plate has a top hat im sure some 1 on hear should have a spare 1 ive just looked for you in my box but sorry dont have them is it both sides thats missing? only spacer i have is the 1 that gose in the L/H fork leg where the pinch bolts are hope this helps cheers bondy.
  2. bondy

    Wheel Buildin

    hi all dose anybody know the off set off the rear wheel on a 198A? also can anybody recomend a good wheel builder i need the hub relining. cheers bondy
  3. bondy

    What's It Worth?

    ive just bought a 199B rolling chassi for £500 lucky its in good condtion pitty he didnt have the engin. was going to buy the 198B frame on ebay but some 1 beat me to it.
  4. bondy

    What's It Worth?

    hi mate depends on what needs doing to it? could need alot off money spendin if so then the value will drop. theres 1 on ebay at the moment he wants £1500 looks like it want loads spending on it id say its worth abought £800 can you send any photos?
  5. bondy

    Up Date On My 198A

    the side panals are old they was tatty ive just filed the few cracks with filler and primed and spayed with a laqur. im only replacing the nuts and bolts that where really back some ive cleand up. the chain tenstioner was in a bad way but ive cleand it up and it came out ok just replaced the spring. its easy to spend loads but ive learnd my leson from the last bike i did ££££££££££££££ ive spent about £550.00 on this 1 that includes new rear shocks new chain new swing arm bushes new brake shose F/R the main things all the other stuff is preping and cleaning/painting hope to get the frame back next week from the sand blast shop then i can get started on painting the frame. oh forgot to say the airbox as had a make over it had a home made door screwed on so ive replaced it with a nice new shinny 1 i found a car sponge as a filter so ive replaced it with all the corect bits like filter gauze and retainer. the airbox is original and in verry good shap only a coupel of hair line cracks witch ive filed in with black silicon. the motor is sound so thats just having fresh paint. ill keep you up to speed as i go cheers bondy. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  6. bondy

    Up Date On My 198A

    just waiting for the frame to come back then i can put it back together trying to keep this 1 to a tight bdget so most of the work as been done by myself. had to by a new seat the old 1 had it. my new bushes for the swing arm came today new shocks on order. will update soon cheers bondy.
  7. hi all hears a update on the freshen up on my 198A
  8. bondy

    Engin Paint

    hello all what you guys useing to paint your engins? pj1 was the best but cant get it anymore so whats the best alternative? ive tryed the black satin from bultaco looks ok but abit glossy dont want to use the BQ stuff thats to dull any help would be good cheers bondy. hi have read the thread on this now but if theres any new info bring it on
  9. bondy

    Swing Arm Bushes

    hello guys ive just got a 198A the frame and swing arm are at the body shop being sandblasted. im looking to puting new bushes in the swing arm i was looking at the rolling needel bearing kit billet parts do but cant get hold of whyn so im thinking of puting the standard bushes back in from inmotion. as anybody fited them? whats the best way to fit them ive do the needel bearing kit before would it be beter to have them pressed in?
  10. bondy

    New Project 198A

    im having the frame sandblasted but to keep the cost down im going to spray it myself already done the side panals new decals on order the motor runs sweat has a nut so nothing to do there. it as been chopped at the rear common mod back in the day but its had a bar welded curved under the seat to give exra strenth. think the rear shocks have had it may buy new ones somtime. dont think its had a hard life just needs some TLC cheers bondy will update as i go.
  11. bondy

    New Project 198A

    hello all just bought another bultaco shes a 198A only had 2 owners am the 3thd think its a 1979 modal not sure untill the log book comes back. anyway my question what is the size off the swing arm spindel? i only plan on tarting this bike as it original untouched a old guy had it since 1983 then he sold it to the guy i bought it off. hear is the bike hope you like i will post more photos when ive freshend her up.
  12. hello bultacorock yes ive had them springs in the past there pritty good has im on the heavy side i go for the pursang springs there longer so makes the front end abit stiffer i do need so for 1 off my bikes to be honest cheers bondy
  13. bondy


    the tension on the primarry chain should be tight. by lifting the cain with your finger you shouldnt be abel to move it of the clutch sprocket more than half a link. hope this answers your question.
  14. bondy


    i put a long screwdriver on where a think the noise is coming from and listen throw the screwdriver. sounds silly but works i got this tip of bultaco uk years ago cheers bondy.
  15. bondy


    hi as said it could be the primary chain or the tensioner happend with 1 of my bikes didnt make the noise all the time mine was more of a pinging noise so i took the clutch case off turnd out to be the primary chain was worn so i put new 1 on nosie gone job done. there should be half a links play in the chain anymore than that then its worn unless the tensioner as broken theres a plastic wheel on the tensioner these somtimes get worn or broken causing the chain to be slack. hope this helps. cheers bondy.
  16. bondy

    Beta 4 Stroke

    i had a 210 gas gas pro 250 i have bultacos so it would be a big difrance for me i use to have a honda tlr 200 back in 1988 im undesided what to do yet i would have to sell both my bultacos to fund it and dip in some funds i wouldnt mind a brand new 1 cheers
  17. bondy

    Beta 4 Stroke

    hi guys im thinking of buyin a used or may buy new 1 are they a good bike to have? any bad points? also how much would a good used 1 cost me? also whats the cost of a new 1?
  18. bondy

    Mikuni Carb

    hello guys ive got the bike runing ok starts easy took it for a blast today only round the back garden a few laps its pulling great seems to be ticking over ok but there seems to be slputers of oil coming from the exhaust may be because its not been riden for some time didnt seem to be as much since puting new mikuni carb on just took plug out for a look photo hear.
  19. bondy

    Mikuni Carb

    hi mate thanks for that i will try it tomorrow. it did come set at 1 and a half turns out but i was told start at 2 and a half turns out but i thinks that only applies to the older carbs like amal and bing. these are a moden carb so i gess dosant need as much but its so frustrating trying to set it i had a bing on a 199A i had that set just right. cheers bondy
  20. bondy

    Mikuni Carb

    hello guys ive just bought a mukuni carb for my 198B it came ready jeted the pilot jet is 30 .and the main is 130 starts up easy but i cant seem to set it up ive tryed the air screw i must say im not the best at tuning the carbs. the bike idels ok but is runing 2 rich any help would be helpfull cheers bondy.
  21. bondy


    thanks i will buy a puller for it. i do have 1 but its for the 199A cheers patrick.
  22. bondy


    hello patrick ive took a photo and it looks the same hear is the magneto
  23. bondy


    hi patrick looks like the sme coil not sure about the magneto cant remeber i will take a photo tomorrow and post it. best regards chris.
  24. bondy


    hi all the 199B dose it have a difrant magneto than the 199A? i had the cover of and noticed its not threaded to take the magneto puller. its got motoplate writen on the magneto where these standard on the 199Bs? looking through the slots on the magneto the coils looks difrant to the 199A i can take a photo if needed.
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