good addvice there patrick. i was lucky when i did mine i hardley put any pressure on the screwdriver,and they poped out i think they was cheep seals what was in there. read my thread above on how to put new seals in.
same hear last time i had a trails bike was back in 1988 i bought a nearly new honda tlr 200 ive restord my bultaco but have a gas gas pro 250 regarding where i go well am just in the prosess off looking where to go could really do with joining a club. am thinkig of going to cowm quarry in rochdale with my gas gas. i like going on the trails holidays when to one in cornwall last year great place. just to fare so i found anougther place in staffshire whent there frew months ago. graet place its not like years ago there was loads of places.
hi mate some times there easy to get out some times they can be stubon. on the older bults they had a sir clip wich you have to get out first. anyway all i do is just get a big flat ended scerwdriver. and pry it out shouldnt take much force should be 2 seals in each leg. if there not budgin try and spray some wd40 round the endges to help get them out. when puting new seals in make sure the reecess or clean put the new seals in the freezer for half hour put grease in the lips. if you have saved one of the old seals use it to tap new seals in. oh make sure the lip end faces down when your puting them back in. hope this helps. ps forgot to say i some times use a socket the same size as the seals
hello hall ill be puting my head back on when my barrel comes back from having it rebored. anyway my question is my new torque spanner starts from 5nm to 25nm will i be ok starting off with 5nm then it gose up in 2s untill i get to 15 or 17 nm i know ive ask about the head bolts before but ive spent quit abit on new piston and having it rebord. so i want to do it right first time.
hi mate have you tryed seeing if the engin mount fits when the swingarm is out off the frame? if is dosant then sounds like your swingarm is bent as said above. ive just done mine somtimes they can be abit awkward and fiddely. as wich way it gose is easy the shortest end gose to the bottom. once you have it on dont tighten if untill you have put the engin back in. i leave the bash plate loose this is on my 199A then i put the engin in put all the mount bolts in. and then tighten the swingarm up then the mount bolts hope this helps.
hi graigh yes the 250 pro is a ood choice plenty of power. like i said am new to moden trails use to the big old lump of my bultaco but i loves her. am about 12 miles from you. use to work round that area not to long ago. ive come across anougther place for trailing witch is not to fare away but its only for classic pr65 so unless you buy one you wont beabel to use it. dont no why they dont let moden trails on ah oh
yes put trails holiday in you search engin. and look for hermitge farm its not a big place but dose for me. like i said ive had trails for a few years now use to have trails years ago. if i can help you in any way just ask i know most things but you wont go short of help on hear bunch of great guys. ive just had a barrol rebore and a new piston on my bult. my gas gas is a 210 model lovely bike i was reading your thread about how much 2 stroke oil to mix with the fuel i run mine on ipone strawberry semi syth at 75 - 1 works great for me. i dont abuse the bike tho depense on your riding or you can use fully syth. am gonner change my gear oil i think before i go away alltho it dosant need it think its 450mm on mine have to check. oh mines a txt pro250 pritty powerfull. wich part of liverpool are you?
hi takes about 1 half hour. its a farm he charge £6 but he dose b+f or he has 2 bungalows am going for a week soon. if you stay there the trailing is free. its a nice place close to altontowers if your into your funfaires. am new to gas gas myself i have a classice bultaco 350 just retored it.
hi craigh i go a place in saffshire but ive been thinking of going cowm for a while. there use to be a good place in wigan but not sure if its thee anymore have to go down and have alook. theres probely places closer but its findind them. ive looked at cowm on you tube looks good.
cheers tazz i have the torque settings think there about 12nm ill do it in 5nm at a time i get worrid when it comes to doing the head. ive just had all the threads retaped. i wont be rushing into doing it nice and steady these bays need alot of tlc. ive got the steel clutch plates in her at themoment but i have the newer fibre ones from bultaco uk wich i had in a motor i strip so may put them in.
hello tazz thanks for the info ive just orderd a new spacer from bultaco uk. so am gonner try that first just took me barrol today to be rebored had to also order a new piton how much runing in time will i have to run it in?
well ill have to wait and see i got it done by bultaco uk so i shouldnt think they would get it wrong. am most certain its the space on the peedo ill find out when i put the standard oe back on. with what you have told me i hope it is only the spacer because i dont want to be paying someone toput it right. ill keep you posted. ps just to add the tyre is not touching the swing arm.
hello patrick the wheel was done by a wheel builder so i dont think theres any problems with the hub i think its the spacers what i used that came with the speedo ive took the wheel off. ive took the engin out yesterday.and am taking it to have the broken stud removed tomorrow. once thats done i can put the new stud in. and put the barrol and cylinder head back togther so am hoping to have it all sorted soon
hi tazz am taking the wheel off to check the spacers i might just put the standard one back on for now to see if that makes a diffrance. affer all i dont really need a speedo. i was thinking of puting it on the road but am unsure need to take the motor back out today to have one of the stud removed. then i can put a new one in.and put the motor back together. once its up and running then ill sort the other littel jobs. am buying some new shocks but not sure witch ones to buy ive been looking at the magical ones wich look nice the other thing is the size ive got new njbs on at the moment 340mm but am abit on the heavy side. so was thinkind off 350mm or 360mm but would a bigger size be ok on a 199a?
hi patrick yes the hub as been relined. and the wheel was done by a wheel builder. i have a speedo on the wheel may be the spacers or not the same as the standard one. but if i go back to standard spacer then i wont be abel to have the speedo on?
hi all what gap should be between the wheel on the right side of the swing arm? the wheel has been rebuild. it runs true the chains on turns ok on the sprockets its just close to the swing arm on the exhaust side.
i jon yes i allready have one off them. and i did run it through the threads but was still leaking air. ive replaced the dust cap last night to a plastic on insted of the rubber on and ive just check the tyre seems to be holding air finggers crossed.
hi ive got a leak on my tubless rim band its a new rim band but i buggerd the valve. i got the valve out and replaced it with anougther. but know its leaking dont really want to pay anougther £40 for a band. i had the push on rubber typ dust cap on ive just inflated it again. and replaced it with a plastic dust cap i think ive damaged the inside of the valve stem. the valve still screws in but it still leaks any ideas how to stop it leaking? ps would abit of ptp tape seal it?