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Everything posted by bondy
  1. bondy

    exhaust sealant

    hi all whats the best sealant for the manifold?
  2. bondy

    bash plate

    hi all ive been trying to buy a affter market bash plate for my 199A from todotrials but i cant seem to order one. ive filled the details in but i jus keep getting some message about shipping not got a clu must be a easy way?
  3. hi thanks for the addvice ill take the exhaust off and put it in a vice. as for the seal im not sure i ask bultaco uk. and they said flush with the casing im not ruling your theory out as i looked in the workshop manual from bultaco uk but this could of been anoughther model ill check cheers bondy
  4. hi bullylover thanks for that. on my other bully the exhaust is leting smoke out abit at the manifold its had a new copper gasket when i took it off looks like sombody had put sealant round the manifold it looks like the metal plate that gose over the 4 bplts as got a slight bend in it so i dont think it sealing it hence the smoke id have to buy a new front pipe but think ill put some gasket sealant on it cheers bondy
  5. hi all ive put a new seal behind the clutch basket dose this seal need to be pushed in all the way flush with the casing?
  6. bondy

    i did it finaly

    hi all just leting you all know i sorted the kick start return spring tanks for all your help cheers guys
  7. hi im bondy of bultaco nice bike i had one the sam back in the 80s it was on a Q plat but i was yung and foolish then wish id of kept hold of it now it was on the road when i got the bike i payd
  8. bondy

    new bike

    hi thanks for your addvice i was thinking of a raga 250 whats the driffrance between the txt pro 250 and the raga? is the spec higher on the raga?
  9. bondy

    new bike

    hi thanks for your addvice i dont want to get shut of my bultacos but like you say once i get a new bike think they will be left in the shed cheers bondy
  10. bondy

    new bike

    sorry i ment new to modan trials cheers for the addvice bondy
  11. bondy

    new bike

    hi all im new on hear im chris im thinking of buying a modan trials i have twin shock but want to have a modan trials bike i like the new shorco ive allso been looking at gas gas and i dont no witch one to buy
  12. bondy


    hi all im trying to get to the bottom of my leak ive changed all seals on the clutch side because the clutch oil has been geting throw some how. this i dont no all the seals lookt ok apart from the o ring behind clutch basket so ive put new seals in all round the clutch side the leak i had was on the front sprocket end drive it only came to light when i draind the gear box oil. and noticed it was red. can anybody help? cheers chris
  13. bondy

    crank seal

    hi all can anybody help me out? i need a seal case for the clutch crank mines damaged so if any of you have a spare one? for the 199A cheers bondy
  14. bondy

    witch gas gas

    hi all im new on hear to modan trials anyway im normaly on bultaco. im thinkin of buying a second hand gas gas im a big block so i need somthing with some grunt. ive been looking at the txt pro 250 round about o5 06 0r if i save anough a o8 looking to spend anything from
  15. bondy

    gear drive shaft

    hi all ive had the clutch basket off my 199A to check the seal. and notice the was some play in the shaft back. and forth is this normal? clutch oil as been getin throw to the gear box allso the crank seal plate as asmall pice missing on the outer side in the inside were the seal seats may be geting throw there ive checkt the gear shifter seal looks lick its not worn but is verry slight movment on the o ring anybody any ideas? allso i took the gear leaver shaft out to check the o ring i put it back on whent on ok i just want to know will this be ok?
  16. thanks i dont want to split the crank case if idont have to im just gonner change the seal allso why ill have the cltuch basket off ill change the seal on the other side i did notic there was a slight pice missing on the seal plat i have spare one so ill ghange it i have a conplete spare engin witch is all in bits the crank case is slpit got the inners in tins im thinking of puting it together be next year or i might just send it to bultaco uk and let them rebuild it ive got frame and wheels and forks so might make number three
  17. hi think your right how easy is it to split the crank case? witch is the best way to do it once ive got it strip ready for slpiting?
  18. hi all ive had a leak from my finnal end drive on the front sprocket as some of you well know. i fitted new seal again today same still leaks but i noticed the oil comming out was red so i draind the gear box and it was red. some how the clutch oil witch is red as been geting throw into the gear box. so i rang bultaco uk and he said its rather the seal behind the clutch basket or the o ring on the gear shaft. finaly got to the bottom of this leak question is can i change the seal behind the clutch basket? with out slpiting the crank case?
  19. hi ive put the bush in the right way the o ring sits in a groov ill have to take the new seal out behind the sprocket ill let you know how i get on cheers
  20. hi no ive put the end seal in the right way with the open end facing inwards like any other seal gonner take a look at it in the morning cheers
  21. hello guys still got oil leaking from the end seal on the front gear shaft. ive tryed unblocking the tiny vent hole with a bit of wire may be i didnt unblock it proper i dondt know. i did put a new seal behind the front spocket and oil seal. and allso a new bush. the new bush i replaced was stiff to turn is this because its new? could it be the o ring not on proper? the oil is comming from between the iner and outer shaft not the center where the push rod gose. help please. ive sorted the primary chain needed replacing with a new one witch i got of bultaco uk the old one was streched .
  22. hi all just going back to my oil leak on the front sprocket. ive put new seal on the end of the sprocket shaft cant seem to stop it leaking. ive allso changed the seal and o ring and bush behind the front sprocket. could it be ive not put the o ring on the shaft proper? ive cleaerd the gear shaft breather so im at a lose end please help me.
  23. bondy

    locking wire

    hi ive got wire for the clutch plats would it be ok for the nut on the weight if i doubbeld it? allso the nuts on the clutch your are on the end. ive got new fiber plats in mine i had to take mine in about four threds is this ok? the clutch was fine no drag and neutral was easy to get whent it was running
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