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Posts posted by bondy
  1. hi all i need your help my 199A runs fine since retoring it only been up and down the street she pulls well shes had new clutch in when shes ticking over theres a littel nose cumming from the clutch case sounds like a shacking a tin of spray paint if that makes any sence? its not consent just evrry now and then i put new wire throw the clutch nuts its not that coz i cut the ends down and its not the nunts there missing the case.and the chain was ok so i dont know without taking the cover off witch i didnt really want to do coz i put gasket sealent on its the blue stuff what dosent set hard so i sopose it would come of easy any ideas please?

  2. hi all ive just got a new plastic tank. and was adviced not to put decales on as they come off when you put fuel in the tank is there any way round this? ive got the round badges was told they are ok because they have foil backing. any help would be greatfull

  3. No the model 199A was always: blue frame no under motor frame rails, alloy sump shield, tank, side panels, swinging arm, blue plastic Gonelli mudguards; Black engine, fork sliders, wheel hubs.

    The previous model 199 was silver frame with frame rails and swinging arm, early ones had polished alloy hubs with brake area in matt black, black engine, fork sliders. Red tank and side panels, with Red Gonelli mudguards.

    Big John

    cheers john ill keep it blue.
  4. Painting the cylinder head black, engine body is black too and leave cylinder blasted, Mmm ... well you can give it a try.

    The kickstart spring mounting you find here: # 5 and # 6

    hi again think ill paint it black might look daft. geting back to the return spring when you put it on do you have to have the shaft winded back so then it will return? cant get me head round it thanks for the sketch.
  5. Just cleaning the threads with air might be not enough, there can be still some debris left of the blasting. I had the same problem with my cylinder. First I tried to cleab them up using brake cleaner sprayed inside the thread holes and then soaked it up again with paper rags. It helped but there was still debris left. I then took some cotten wool wrapped it around a small stick soaked it in WD 40 and then srewed it inside, out again and this worked very good.

    Befor remounting the head I applied some grease on to the bolts and nuts then they went really smooth in.


    hello nice engin thanks for the addvice. ive sprayed my cylinder head black would you think it would be ok if i lelft the barrol siver? can you tell me how to put the kick start return spring on?
  6. hello all ive just had my barrol sand blasted i covered both ends with strong duck tape.and ive tryed the bolts that hold the head down.and they seem hard to screw down the threads look ok on the bolts i was told to clean the thread holes out with a air line any ideas please

  7. hi guys my 199A as a slight ping nose and its comming from behind the clutch cover ive fited a new set of clutch plats its not the nuts catching the clutch works fine but hasnt been run much since fited everything else lookt ok its not a constant nose the bike runs well its just every now and then you would hardley know it unless you liten close any ideas? :guinness:

  8. Hi Bondy

    Depending what specific bike you are talking about... Most are M14x1.25.

    To be absolutely sure you can check a Saprk plug code chart like this one...link to code chart


    cheers mate im taking the cylinder head the engineers monday see if they can sort it im havin to threads heil coiled on the magneto side so ill get them to have a look at the head thanks bondy

  9. When you blast parts you will befor doing so cover any threads with strong duct tape or fill threadhols with a rubber piece?

    I first would try to recut the thread befor installing a heli coil.

    If this does not help / work then first I would take a Heli-Coil.

    thanks ill try this cheers

  10. hi all anybody had the spark plug hole heli coiled? ive just had me top end sand blasted. and when i got it back i tryd the spark plug it was tight gpoing in thought it was hod as it whent in easy before im having to of my treads heli coiled on the magneto cover so will i be able to have the plug hole done?

  11. Get a sharp stanley knife or small file and put a leading edge on the seal housing in the case.

    Heat the casing, smear the seal in grease and it should push in easily

    ok ill try this thanks for your advice

  12. can any one give me addvice on how to fit the seal on the clutch case of a 199A its on the out side of the case were the gear shaft comes out ive tryed puting it in but its really tight. and i dont want to damage me cover any help would be great

  13. Got mine from here spokes and nipples for Bultaco Calonder have them stock. He produces spokes and nipples, so you can get even get the nipples in alloy and the spokes in in stainless steel.

    hi i was readin your thread and i noticed you commented on the kick start return spring can you addvice me on putin one on as im just in the middle off tartin my 199A cheers chris

  14. I do it like this:

    First unscrew the securety nut made out of plate,

    Second unscrew the second nut that holds the spring.

    Third I unhook the spring from the bolt using a self made spring puller which I have made out of an spoke.

    Now the spring is loose and it is now easier to hang out the spring from the kick starter shaft

    done, (fourth).

    The reassembling is visa versa.


    cheers ill give it a go

  15. Never heard of any powdercoated gastanks this is a classical paint job IMHO, but why not, you can give it a try?? (But to get any decals under a second clear coat of paint will be dificult I believe???)

    If a powdercoating is more heat durable then a good paint job, I am not sure. If you have any heat issues, (Haven't had this problem so far), then try heat reflecting self adhesive foil at places where you had that issue. I have done this to my sidepanels and airbox of my enduro bike. This protects very good against heat.

    You find this foil here for example: heat protection foil

    Looking like this:


    ok mate thanks for the addvice

  16. hi all i have a alloy tank on one of my bultacos im thinking about having it powder coated the paint thats on now has bubeld were the exhaust gose under the tank any addvice?

  17. Blasting is tricky...especially with glass beads.

    It only takes a few to ruin an engine.

    After blasting, I wash everything with warm, soapy water, dry immediately with compressed air, then paint.

    Now...many high temp paints need to be heated quite soon after applying, AND they come off easily when handling before curing.

    So whipping the top end right on and starting the bike can be a problem.

    I heat parts with a propane torch, apply the paint and heat again.

    You can see it cure.

    hi thanks for the addvice im only havin the barrol and head done im doin the rest with nitromores. would be easy if the crank cases was in halfs but nothing is simple cheers

  18. hi all whats the easyest way to prep my barrol and head for painting? i did the last one with paint stripper but that was pain stackin would it be ok if i justed cleand it with gunk and spray it ive got pj1. i was thinking of getting it grit blasted if i did whats the best way of protecting the barrol?

  19. There is a fair bit of "flex" in the fork/yoke assembley. slacken the bottom yoke pinch bolts and mud guard brackets if you have any, bounce the forks up and down a few times to align every thing, if it doesnt look straight put the wheel again a wall and twist the bars until it looks ok , tighten the bottom yoke then the mud guard,

    if its still not right some thing may be bent

    hi thanks for your addvice ive sorted it i just undun the pinch bolts and put the wheel between my legs and strightened it job done. simple thing like this stop me from selling my 199A the buyer was put off it was my fault should have sorted it but for got about it never mind live and learn. glad really i didnt want to le her go spent to much money on her. goning out on her sunday for the first time just been up and down the road wheelis no probs. just got bing carb for my other bult

  20. hi all ive got a problem with my forks on my 199A when the handel bars are stright the front wheel is off to the right. ive had new bars the stantions have been rechromed the yoks looks stright so what could it be?

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