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Posts posted by bondy
  1. HI guys I found where the coolant was coming from as above I run the over flow pipe on the out side started up run for abit looked down and a small drip came from the over flow pipe kept it running to see if the fan kicked in and it did so Allo ok cheers.

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  2. cheers guys iv'e not been out on the bike since I bought it only up and down where I live love it ill re rout the over flow out side the bash plate and try this the guy I got it off did say it had just had a full Service so hoping its just a over fill on the coolant ill takes some pics and upload them glad to be a scorpa owner :D:D

  3. cheers guys iv'e not been out on the bike since I bought it only up and down where I live love it ill re rout the over flow out side the bash plate and try this the guy I got it off did say it had just had a full Service so hoping its just a over fill on the coolant ill takes some pics and upload them glad to be a scorpa owner :D:D

  4. Hello All Am New to the Scorpa just bought a 2007 Scorpa been After 1 for a while this 1 is pretty tidy for the Age my question is what Coolant is the correct 1 to use? I noticed a small pool off Green Liqid just below the Water pump on the bash plate not sure where its coming from it only happened when the bike was warmed up only bought it yesterday and had a play on it today happy with the bike Love it any help would be good cheers Bondy. p.s just an update I since cleaned the pool off fluid up off the bash plate when back to it hours later nothing dry however I notice there is a over flow pipe coming from the rad and I run my finger over the edge and it was wet with coolant is it normal to come from the over flow pipe? 

  5. I get a rattle can made up at my local Auto shop ford electric blue iv'e use Monza blue in the past it is a good blue but the blue that I use is better in my option slightly darker and its proper 2pk not the crap Halfords sell. 

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  6. Just done it on a 198 I sold the nice red 1 on eBay I use 2 bottom chain rubbers off a 199A bottom 1 bolts throw the mesh top 1 ii use a self taper screw works a treat.

  7. You have to cut open the middle section off the down tube there's 2. Ways of doing it first you can cut the rear open where the exhaust gets bolted the Engine second is you can cut open near the bottom where it joins  to the rear some 1 will have photos are I think there's a topic on it search for it. You need to clean all. The old crap out there's a perforated tube inside that slots into 2 collars take it out and clean then put back in. You need exhaust packing only cheap  there's loose and pad type I use pad type cut into strips and wrap round the complete tube not to tight but not to lose stick the plate back on you cut open and weld up done am sure some have different methods.

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  8. As Woody says the exhaust needs repacking I always get mine done on a new rebuild also if your engine as been rebuilt you will need to run the new piston in you will find the carburettor will need a few tune ups until the Engines run in.

  9. Did you put New piston kit in it? Regardless of that it could be a number off things timing have you replaced the crank seals? The Mikuni carburettor can be some times hard to set up. I've just not long ago put the o k o on my 199A runs very well straight out the box. Another thing witch is over Looked has the Exhaust been repacked? This can make a big difference to the running. of the bike my A has had full Engine rebuild by me con rod kit piston kit job lot runs sweet a lot only skimp on rebuilds then wonder why they don't run properly not saying you have just pointing it out.

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