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Everything posted by agp244
  1. agp244

    Ty 175

    there a quite a number of shocks available for the ty175 as which is best is a hard one to answer as people have their own preference. i personally use be Betor 360mm between centres with 40 pound springs and im very happy with them. others to consider are rockshocks,falcon. whichever shock you go for get the 360mm length these give a little more travel and if you put the top of the forks level with the top yoke you get a little more ground clearance. hope this helps Alan
  2. i have just bought a frame for my ty250 mono it is the later type R frame without all the extra lugs and has the cradle for the rear shock remote. i have noticed the footrest brackets are different on this frame does anyone know where i can obtain some decent wide footrests for this model. Alan
  3. Looking for some advice is the rear shock non remote type interchangable with the type with the remote as my shock is not very good and i have been offered a good shock with remote hopefully this will fit look forward to replies Alan
  4. thanks for the comments regatding getting hot yes i did have the bore done tight to stop top end rattle but what else i did was to drill 2 holes in the piston in the centre line of the straps of the exhaust port this allows cool fuel mix to help keep the piston cool on the front hopefully precenting siezure lastly i wasnt no 54 at Lansdown but i will be entering as many Bath classic club trials as poss in future i am returning to trials after an absence of 25 years i think its a mid life crisis
  5. I run my TY on 50:1 castrol TTS no problems
  6. Hi everyone i think i have read most of the threads on this site regarding TY 175 pistons some say fit this others say dont. i have just had my 175 rebored and supplied a new piston wieseco. the guy that did the job was Steve Riley of Piston Broke Engineering in Bristol this guy really knows what he is talking about he has a huge database on pistons so knows what will fit etc he also knows the correct tolerances to bore to this will stop that common top end TY rattle so all you people looking for TY pistons give this guy a call you wont be dissapointed bye the way a full wisecoe piston kit,small end bearing and a rebore hone for
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