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Everything posted by mexmex
  1. This is exactly what I'm doing those days. I did a morning practice for 1:30 and I had to carry the fuel up front only for half of the time. It's not the best but I will get use to it eventually. How many miles separating fueling points?
  2. We have it on sale here so I can report 1st hand as a great addition if you want to Trial-duro the bike (at 450$ cost) but no good for pure Trial use...limiting too much the movement of the bike. Then, it's just too much, carrying 6 liter around... The other bikes like the GG, only need aftermarket tank, that is a bit higher and carry extra 1 liter. Not more...
  3. On the Beta, bigger tank is not a real option. The frame used as a tank, so to make SSDT addition they need a different frame...
  4. Up to the next fueling point, when it will be heavy again. I just hope that fueling are before some distance to cover and not right before a group. It's way to big for my Camelback...
  5. I lost my 1st side stand rubber damper after maybe 2 hours of riding. Got new one, glue it on for extra measure and lost it again on the next ride. So I got a cheap replacement that I didn't mind if the fit was too loose (cost was 6 pesos = 30p) and then I used a heat-shrink over it. The heat shrink you need is a 3M 1100 1.1"/.37" but it's very expensive (around 400 pesos here = 20 Pound) and sold in 3' pieces while all you need is 2" piece. Try to find an industrial electrician, they might sell you the piece you need.
  6. As someone that never been there, I might ask a stupid question here...Is it so complicated to add another 1 or 2 refueling points so we can just have safe distance to cover? I'm asking that after a whole day with a heavy nose Beta Evo + Hebo tank...I didn't like it at all.
  7. I'm Israeli leaving in Mexico for the last 10 years. Since I'm holding an Israeli passport, I have to present Israeli Licensee per FIM rules. It's funny somehow, 'cos I'm playing both stages at the same time. It will be covered by Israeli magazine but Mexican as well...I got Israeli sponsors but Mexican as well...I will even print both flags on the sweatshirt we will do... So I will be the 1st Israeli but the 1st Mexican as well!
  8. In that case, I might bring with me some Tequila. It's oily enough so no any additives needed! Tomorrow practice with the Hebo Aux tank full. I will just get used to it since I don't have any intention crossing the event rules. Cheers!
  9. What is the size of gas tanks you had on the bikes you used? The 2011 Evo have only 2.6 liters...
  10. Even when it's empty it's still some extra weight on the front. It's way worse than having this weight on the back, especially when it's a weight that you can remove before entering a section! But if it's not allowed to carry gas bottle then I don't have any other choice, do I? Thanks again!
  11. I understood from Lampkin that the Evo 250 might not do the distance between fuel stops with the OEM tank. He recommended me to install the Hebo aux tank as a safety measure. In order to practice the same way, I installed one on my Evo 290, and today in the morning I went out for a ride with the aux tank full. I hate it! it might be only couple of pound more but it's right on the front and ruin all the bike handling. Can I carry in my backpack 500ml emergency gas? is it enough? is it allowed??? Thanks for your help! Yoram
  12. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    If the starting order is by the entry list, all I have to do is to see what the guy 5 places in the front of me doing....
  13. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    Ryan told me that he will give me some important tips next weekend. I don't have too much of a rivers here, all I could find is this:
  14. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    Thanks. Put things in perspective. Somehow I do not afraid of the long days and the physical challenge. I actually looking forwards of this part. I raced the Chile 2007 ISDE, Mexico 2010 ISDE, 3 times 24 hours Iron man and twice Baja 1000 iron man. I'm running twice a week around 10km (while living in 2600m above sea level) and doing some gym as well. I think I'm OK here... My Trial skill is the part that worry me. I used to ride trial 10 years ago, competing in Benelux in clubs event. But I just started riding again few weeks ago, and I missed a lot. I guess getting older (42 now) doesn't help your balance neither the courage to challenge potential harmful obstacles. Hope to be better soon...I'm taking a weekend curse with Ryan Young next weekend, and I'm practicing at least twice a week. Cheers! Yoram
  15. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    Cool reference, that will make me train harder! Which ISDE you did? I would like to hear some specific training tips if you have.
  16. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    Yes they are. http://www.ssdt.org/downloads/2010/2011%20Entries%204.pdf
  17. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    You got me fixed with plenty of answer. In case of break down, 1 pint won't do, so I need to take some more with me
  18. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    Thanks for clearing thing up. Any word who the work on the bike happened? I understood for the newbie letter that I'm allowed to take the wheel to an external service to change tire. True? Who provide tires there? Wjat are the prices? As a clubman I should consider what? one rear change after 3 days? Thanks again!
  19. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    Ok, some more questions! - I've been reading the newbies letter and every word I could find. Everything is rather clear. I didn't catch where and how long I can work on my bike once I got back...is there a "pit" for that before entering to the parc ferme again? - Fuel...where I get fuel? by who? should I carry money with me to pay it or it's part of the registration fees? They do have pre-mix for 2 stroke I guess... - Should I do anything now with the organizers? send money? Wait for a mail from them? Thanks again answering patiently to all those dumb questions!
  20. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    The Alexandria hotel is probably fully booked already...
  21. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    I wonder what will be harder for me to understand, the English of the Scotish or the Spanish of the Spaniards...
  22. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    Thanks you so much - lots of very useful information. I sent an inquiry to west end hotel but if they won't have any available room, what is the other recommendations? I forgot to mention but I will rent the full deal with Lampkin/Beta, so that part is covered. Gear - any specific recommended models? recommended shops? Work on the bike and physical preparation should be not problem - I just finished the ISDE in Mexico, and there they give only 13 minutes net to work on the bike. Should I change tire myself on the SSDT or I'm allowed to use mechanic for that? I have zero experience changing tubeless tires... Thanks again for all your help!
  23. mexmex

    I'm lucky!

    So here is some questions, which will follow with more questions in the near future - Gear. I was thinking on Gaerne oiled boots (on the way) with...which is the most comfortable pants/jersey/gloves? I have the MSR ISDE Pack-Jack as very light, foldable into itself rain jacket... - Camelback? which tools? - How it's work on the end of the day if I want to do some mechanical work? Can I use mechanic? Do I have limited time and special space to do it? - Can I get between fuel stops on the original gas tank or should I get auxiliary tank on the fork? Any other recommendations, tips and ideas are more than welcome. Cheers! Yoram Lavee
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