I'm trying to understand what is so hard in the event. As you said, its not the sections themselves (I could see in the videos that they are not pro level) but the time stress and the riding parts between the sections?
Why they are so hard? 'cos you need to ride 8 hard off road hours continuously? I can do that (twice ISDE shows me that ).
Is there any un-passable parts on the way? (for me, indoor obstacle is un-passable) or its just hard Enduro like long rides?
I know the 4 days of Cruis is a laid back event. 10 years ago I was lazy, heavy smokers, zero physical condition and I still enjoyed it very much. This days I'm not smoking for 4 years not, I'm in the best shape I ever had and I'm looking for hard challenges.
Yes, I will need to work hard on my in-section level in order not to score to many fives, but honestly, focused, hard training toward an event is what keeping me moving.
Can you explain me on one leg the rules? I get the in-section points, but how they count in any time delays? Who, where and when can work on the bike during and after the day?
I'm already in touch with Lampkin, the Beta importer, which comes up good 'cos here I'm riding Beta anyway. I actually going to get some of the expenses paid by our importer. And it's not so expensive by the way. Just to put things in perspective, an ISDE race will cost 3000$ in bike rent, 1500$ in service pack, 800$ registration, 1000$ tires and mousses, hotels, flights etc...this is 10,000$ race!
Thanks again guys. I really appreciate all your inputs!