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  1. i was watching on section 5 and section 7 and the way toni bou was riding i thought he'd won absolutely awesome the way he was throwing that bike around
  2. cheers for the advice lads il give all these things a try new chain and sprockets sounds a good idea and i will get back to you
  3. thats pretty kool then did he say where he had it done ?
  4. the airoh rock helmet has removable lining and is lite as a feather i dont know how well vented it is though cant be bad though because an awful lot of riders are using them
  5. wow!!! nice gasser that silencer looks different what the hell has it come off i wonder ????????i love that green gasser aswell can you have green plastics anywhere or did alex wigg do it himself?
  6. you cant go wrong with a pair of alpine stars realy tough well made boot
  7. its just a bit of a noise when i come off the revs going steady speed sounds a bit like when the chains dry but tiny bit louder?????????????
  8. ok cheers mines only a 200 any way so your probably right Thanks m8
  9. harrytrialsboy


    when my riding my pro up the road in the higher gears there appears to be like an on and off knocking at gentle revs or i cnt quite explain it at first i thort it mite be the disk guard or something but it sounds too close to the engine .any one got any ideas or am i jus over acting and also how long shud it take for the fan to kick in mine comes in after about 5 10 mins ive checked the coolant level its full, again any ideas?????????????Thanks for anyfeedback in advance much appreciated
  10. thanks for all the info lads just another quick question where do i put the oil in i cnt find the fill plug ???????????? thanks again lads
  11. hi can somene tell me how to change the engine and gear box oil just had a look and i aint got a clue and will atf be ok ?????????? cheers in advance for any advice
  12. harrytrialsboy


    that colour scheme is absolutely stunnin
  13. that sounds about rite m8 how do i solve that then ?
  14. harrytrialsboy


    just wondering wot engine oil every one is running atf any good??????????? and also dya rekon the bike mite rattle very slighty if the oil hadnt been changed for a wile???????? cheers
  15. the club im in sometimes does mini trials on thursdays nights or jus practising realy gud tho gets you out set up a couple of sections and just make them easier or harder as you go along
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