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  1. Hi Shavey, thanks for that mate, i've had a look at the waterpump today and checked for scores / marks. To be honest mate i think i might have over tightened the bolts and damaged the new gasket. Bike still leaks through the inspection hole when running then stops leaking when switched off. (only coolant not oil) Is there a set torque for the four waterpump bolts do you know off ?? i've a got a bad feeling i've been to heavy handed !! Cheers, Steve
  2. Hi guy's i wonder if anyone can help. Last week i walked into the garage only to find water on the floor and all around the sump plate of my 2001 Montesa 315. Thinking it was the waterpump gasket i ordered a new one and replaced it yesterday without much joy. After replacing the new gasket and topping it up with coolant i fired the bike up only to find coolant coming out of the inspection hole of the waterpump, water would constantly drip out until the bike was switched off then it would stop leaking. Is there somthing i have done wrong. I did not use any gasket sealant just replaced the gasket dry I've since removed the gasket again to check condition, everything seemed to be ok but when i put it all back together again, exactly the same problem coolant dripping from the inspection hole. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hi guys I was wondering if there is anyone out there who could help me. I was at a trial the other day when on the fourth lap, 1st section I suddenly lost the back brake completely. This made finishing the rest of the sections a little hell raising as there was a lot of steep slippery banks still to get through. The bike is a 2001 Montesa 315R since getting the bike home I
  4. Hi, I have just recently purchased a Montesa 315R (year 2000) but for love or money can't find a decent manual for it. Can anyone help ???
  5. Hi have just recently bought my first trial bike (montesa 315 year 2000) fitted with a Phbh26bs carb. would anyone be able to tell me the original carb jet size's for the UK market for this model: At present it has the following and can't find any other detail within the manual that i own Pilot jet 38 Main Jet 120
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