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Everything posted by redcota
  1. Good advise guys, I hope to hear from others who have welded part and how it's holding up. Thanks
  2. 695 views of this topic tells me I'm not alone with this problem. The manual says to torque bolts to 7 lbs/ft. Never had a problem with that, just rocks that seem to jump right out of the hill side and attack my 99 315R. My break looks like yours so was wondering if the weld worked or if you wished you would have done something different. It seems like the bolts are still doing the job of pinching the axel and the axel is secure even with the complete break. Any one riding there 315R with this condition? If so, at what level a rider are you, and how long have you been riding with the broken part? Any and all ideas are welcome. Looker, have you found the fork case you need? Thanks guys and if you are ever in Yuma AZ send me an e-mail so I call show you what I feel is the best winter trials riding available. Thanks again.
  3. Nice job Dan. Thanks for the picts.
  4. Hi all, As of now (haven't really tested under hot condition) adjusting the air screw seams to have fixed the problem. It's gotten cold hear for a true test without the heat shield. I should have worked on the TL before the holidays. Has anyone used a tool to test the temperature of the engine at normal conditions and at extreme conditions? If so approximately how many hours do you have on that engine and what was the air temp. when you took the reading? Does an engine run hotter when older or cooler? Won't be long before our next season starts, can't wait. Thanks
  5. Hi all, looks like I'm going to need to build a skid plate for my TL 125. Please send pictures of your creations so I can gather inspiration from you artist. Thanks and Happy New Year.
  6. Thanks all for the information. Will try ideas soon. Still looking for a rock gard or skid plate for the TL125. Are there any bolt on units out there?
  7. One other thing I would like to find is a skid plate, or rock guard to protect the side cases. The stock one seems to protect the bottom ok, its just the side cases Im seeing damage on. Pictures would be great of your creations with a little commentary or sources of bolt ons would be appreciated. Thanks
  8. Wow what a deal! $3500. for a rolling piece of nostalgia. I think this rare example of motorcycle history should be preserved in a museum or someones home. Thanks for thinking of me though, I think I'll pass.
  9. I second that, I'd like to see that picture and the one with the fan. Are there other than stock needles available and do these carbs have a pilot jet? Thanks all for the information.
  10. Thanks all for your information. I'd stil like to get some more opinions please.
  11. No heat shield is installed. There is quite a gap between the carb and the exhaust pipe and alot of free air flow between both. Are you thinking about a vaper lock? Ha fellow PITS member, how did you finish up last season and what line do you ride? Are your initials jw? Thanks all for your input. john
  12. Ok trials has stood the test of time. I get it because I love it. MotoCross is a multi billion dollar industry in the USA. Is trials that big in Europe? I'm just trying to figure out if it's so big over there why isn't here?
  13. Hi all, I'm interested in buying a Bultaco and was wondering if there is a model year or size that I should stay away from because of mechanical or ..... problems? I understand that they turn like a dream, just what I need where we compete in the Sierra Nevada's (Lake Tahoe area). Thanks for your time. john
  14. One thing that needs to be mentioned again. This burp only happens when I have been really working the bike and the motor is hotter than normal. Thanks for the time you all are spending on this problem of mine. Lots of things to try. john
  15. Hi all, I have a 1974 Tl 125. It run
  16. Thanks Jon. I'm from Chico, and yes today the sun is shinning and it's in the mid 60's. Don't you just love it. About riding in the area. Up the hill about 30 miles in the Paradise/Magalia area there are about 1000 miles of logging roads and quite a bit of single track. It's not as good as it use to be. Across the valley maybe about 70 miles there is an OHV park. (Off Highway Park) called Stony Ford I think. It to is huge. Never been there but have a map showing trails, camping ect. And more up around Shasta. Most of the areas that are being closed are in Southern Calif. that I know of. As for trials riding areas, I can ride right out my garage door to a great practice area. Just need to respect the neighbors. Many of them are cops. And our trials competition areas range from about 150 miles to 300 miles. Got to go for now.
  17. I'm a new member also and also have a Montesa. Mine is a 1999 Cota315. What year is yours?
  18. Looks like you have a great forum here. Lots of good information and great people. A little about me. I was blessed to be raised in Southern California so was involved in the early years of MX. Lots of pros came from our area. A person could race three days a week and ride (train) the other four if you had time for maintenance. Also was involved first hand with the Camel Pro series. A neighbor was the tuner for Eddie Lawson and Teddy Davidson when they were both novices and as thy came up through the ranks on Bultacos. Ahhhh those Saturday nights at Ascot. So I have a question for you. Just how big is Trials across the pond? Just curious. The club I'm in has about 10 or 12 events a year and 40 to 50 show up at each event. I like it that way. After awhile you get to know most everyone by first name. Kinda like an extended family. That's it for now.
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