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Everything posted by adam1
  1. just mega talant!!!! must be great to have!!!!!
  2. Yeah hellicoil is the one! Planning on doing it this weekend at some point
  3. Dont do what i have just done and strip the the bolt in the caliper Adam
  4. adam1

    Smoking Beta rev 3

    sorry dan, I went to tong on sat, it smoked like a demon at first poss excess Jizer?, but then settled down, still a little smoke at full revs in 3rd for example, but could only test this on the flat on the fire roads as there were no steep long hill climbs i could find. Going to the same place i noticed it originally tomorrow fingers crossed so will get a friend to film it then i can see if there is any difference. Also going to check the coolant level as i topped it up before i went, it spat some out of the vent pipe(finding its level?)but if its not at the bottom of the neck or just below should i be worried? cheers Adam p.s does anyone no what the mixture screw should be set at as now and again it doesnt rev out clean sounds a little fluffy/wooly if you no what i mean.
  5. adam1

    Smoking Beta rev 3

    Cleaned the exhaust to the best i can, going to try it out tomorrow at tong. Just out of interest what should the mixture screw be set at mine is 2 turns out from fully in. Adam
  6. adam1

    Smoking Beta rev 3

    Hi Dan, thanks for the reply, i use either PJ1 silver fire or now i am going to start using putoline TT trials pro pre-mix and as long as i have had the bike for have ran about 70-75ml of oil to 5ltrs of unleaded fuel. I have got the exhaust off at the min just soaking it in Jizer then going to clean it in water and re-pack the exhaust. I also have cleaned and re-oiled the airfilter. Cheers Adam
  7. adam1

    Smoking Beta rev 3

    Cheers will try all those things, thanks for the quick response.
  8. adam1

    Smoking Beta rev 3

    Hi all I have a current thread running about coolant/oil levels but now need some advice about my smoking Beta! I realise this has been talked about previously, but mine seems to run well,maybe slightly fluffy at really low revs, but well all the same. It hasnt always been like this and the smoking only seems to occur when i am traveling up hill in say 3rd/4th gear or long steep hill climbs. All my mates bikes doing the same hill climbs/hills etc dont seem to smoke at all. Please Advise any help really appreciated again Cheers Adam
  9. Standard ones i think, not sure! Will tell him to try a slow action thottle and see how he gets on. Thanks again for your help, will post on once he sorts one out and give some feedback. Adam
  10. Sorry Mark i might be being THICK but are you saying just change to a slow action throttle and see what that does? I have read some where else not sure where and it said the best option was normal throttle and retard ignition(saves twisting your wrist as much). I am going to go with what you suggest. cheers Adam
  11. So mark, you reckon changing to a slow action throttle is the key to start with? or should he keep the throttle the same as he doesnt mind the power when he needs it ie hill climbs and retard the Ignition, if so could you send me some info on how to do the retard mod as we have never taken the fly wheel off or altered the ignition Cheers Adam
  12. What am i looking for or at? the seal on the shaft?
  13. I have PM'd Mark (copemech) cheers for the heads up Adam P.s whats the standard gears (front and rear)on the 2005 250 sherco
  14. Hi all, Before you all shout at once yes i am a Beta owner but my mate is a sherco owner and has asked me to ask a quick question. He owns a 2005 250 and tbh it is a little aggressive to say the least like a angry wasp on real bad day. As he is only a beginner like myself finds it quite difficult to control on technical stuff but very good on hill climbs etc( but does loop it now and again), when he rides my rev 3 he does a fair bit better on the technical stuff as my rev 3 is easier to ride/control. What would be a solution, Gearing? slow action throttle? Any help from you sherco owners would be appreciated Cheers Adam
  15. Hi all I realise this topic has been mentioned before but there is a few things i am unsure of. First thing i suspect that my water pump seal may be passing as my gear oil(gp10) is slightly milky almost grey in colour? I decided to check my levels, i warmed the bike up and dropped the oil, only 400ml came out even though i always put in 550ml of oil in every time i change the oil, is this right? Then i dropped the coolant from the water pump drain screw and only 450ml came out, this should be 600ml is this correct? My questions are if the coolant level drops and the oil looks a little milky/ contaminated its water/coolant getting into the oil poss seal, but where is the gear box oil going? Hope some one can point me in the right direction, also the bike runs well doesnt smoke and seems to have good power. cheers Adam
  16. Hi si I use putoline GP10, change fair regular and dont get any problems with it, i use silkoline pro cool or putoline coolant, cant remember the name now, hope this helps Also i love my rev 3, great bike in my opinion especially to learn on Adam.
  17. adam1

    2003 Rev 3 270

    I agree i am 16st and ride a 250 and it is more than powerful enough, as a newbie i find my self flipping it regular and usually use 1st gear for most things other than long/steep hill climbs etc. I rode my friends sherco 290 which is a 272cc bike and this was too much power for me, it wore me out and could easy bite you hard if you wern't careful. If you have had trials bikes before maybe a 270cc would suit you fine Adam
  18. Update I tried a different tube and another brand new tyre and still had the same problem, i assumed it was the rim. I then took the wheel and tyre to Martin Sandiford from sanifords offroad to let jeff the mechanic have a look. He refit the tyre and replaced the tube as he said this was at fault with one he had lying around and the tyre was fit and seated correctly once and for all. Dont know what the original tyre guy was doing wrong but its on now on and will get tested tomorrow up whitworth. Thanks for all your advise and thanks to Jeff Adam
  19. P.s The original tube was imo very good quite thick kept it shape when nearly flat, and was made by continental Adam
  20. Update I have been in touch with michelin who were very efficient and called me back within half an hour once i filled in a short questionaire, very impressed. Right the info he gave was to change the tube to a michelin tube and try that. I have tried this and still the same results. So the only thing it could be now is the tyre or the rim. The rim looks good but does has some slight bows in places where it must of taken a dink when the tyre has fully depresssed on say a rock. But the tyre technition says its not effecting the seating area of the rim. So going to call michelin again and speak to the same technical guy as he gave me his direct number. I am new to all this but surely its not usual this difficult to fit a tyre Adam
  21. Ok will check the tube, how will i tell if its a trials tube or enduro tube? i will also give michelin a call Adam
  22. I will check but think its a tube type
  23. Hi all I have just changed my front tyre to a michelin x11 2.75 x 21". I had this fitted by a local bike shop, when i collected it he said he was having difficulty beading the tyre. He said every time he let the pressure down it popped of the rim and said to leave it over night with high pressure in to try and seat it correctly. I tried this but it still popped off. Please help Adam
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