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Doug for me, he absolutely dominated, both in the No Stop and current rules. I remember watching him and Graham at the WTC in Spain, I think it was in 2001, there had been snow over night (didn't think I'd fly to Spain, my first time and see snow) and both the Brits showed their skill at true no stop riding. Bou is amazing, but in outdoor riding, id love wtc to go back to no stop, i know it will never happen. On another note, I would loved to have seen Graham win a WTC, he had some good wins, but never got the No1. Does anyone remember Graham snapping his cruciate ligament at Hawstone Park and continuing to ride, respect.
My post was meant to be speculative, based on what I had read, the fact that the article has been possibly found to be false, is neither here or there. (Could someone who has the facts of whether Montesa still produce the 4rt in spain, please confirm this). I apologise for basing my points on an incorrect article if this is the case, but my question, was, is, the same. My point either way is, would Honda be better off selling Honda RTLs rather than Montesa 4rt's and it would appear most who have posted either agree or aren't bothered. I am not try to stir the S**t, and I don't need educating concerning trials as a sport or the people who sell the bikes. If the bikes were sold as Hondas, they'd still be sold in trials dealers, because most road bike dealers would'nt be interested in selling them anyway. The point I'm trying to make is, would it be good, or bad and those who have replied think it would, or aren't bothered. I personally think it would be good for the sport and us, the buyer and fan. There isn't a lot of money in this sport, but maybe if Honda got more involved and sold more bikes, it could benefit the sport. Either way, can we not just have a grown up conversation about it, instead of a few taking it to personally, it's only OHO's, if you don't like it, don't read it. I'm not try to force my opinion onto anyone, I'm just interested in what's others think. If I have offended anyone, I'm sorry.
I am sorry if I have started off on the wrong foot. 31 votes and 80% have voted either positively or aren't bothered, so it's not that controversial a subject. Montesa/Honda would definitely sell more bikes if they made a few different classes of bike, instead of just the 250.
BTW aston, this is your Second post,....suspicious??? Why? I haven't felt the need to register before. I've been reading this forum from the day it started and have enjoyed reading the many topics and info. I have owned a Yamaha, Fantic, scorpa, and 4 Montesa 315's. I currently don't own a trials bike, but still enjoy watching it, travel to the occasional WTC round and do the occasional club trial as an observer. I don't have an agenda, just an interest in Montesa and Honda. My next bike will be a fourstroke. I have no connection with any manufacture, business or individual. Just feel that Honda are missing the point, they have their own trials history, why not capitalise on it's history and quality. 4rt's are very expensive, but compared to most the other makes, are vastly superior in build quality and reliability and there used values are way above anything else. Why is this, because there are enough people who want one, not new because of the price, but a good used one. If all the other manufactures raised there quality, their prices would be much higher, as they say, you get what you pay for.
http://www.superbikenews.co.uk/insidebikes/honda-switches-montesa-franchise/ So If they're not building the bikes in Spain anymore, then why bother with the Montesa name? I personally think the bike reputation would not suffer from a name change to HONDA, with the added kudos of HRC, the most respected successful bike manufacture in the world. Infact, sales could improve, I really don't see the point in selling a Honda RTL in Japan and a Montesa elsewhere. Just use Honda, new name, new better bike and the world champion riding it. It's not like Honda are new to this sport, with no history or success. Toni has just signed a 2 year contract, could it be the final 2 years of Montesa's history? Or will Sheffield see Toni Bou riding a new prototype, with Honda Repsol HRC, plastered all over it? Or Fuji riding it in the outdoor WTC and Toni continuing on the Montesa? In these difficult times, Honda are finding ways to cut back, but with Repsol money, they're getting top value world champion winning status, for relatively small outlay. I have no doubt, there's a new bike waiting in the wings and we'll get to see it soon, sooner would be great, would sure add a bit of spice and take the limelight away from OSSA.