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  1. I have a 1995 GAS GAS JT160 and lately I have been hitting the top of the power band in the lower gears while riding in sections. I feel slower then most bikes even the newer 125's. Theres also this what I like to call no go period where the power doesn't kick in for almost a half turn of the throttle. It was never ridden in competetion by its first owner. My boyfriend rides in the Advanced class and he even says it seems unusually slow. It has a 10 tooth sproket in the front and I was thinking about changing it to an 11 tooth. Should I even mess with the gearing?
  2. Thanks! I've been trying to do most of those things but I guess its all mind over matter and trying to get my brain and my body to corporate. But don't worry my fiance is making me do figure 8's and circles til I fall over dizzy or run out of gas and fall over whichever comes first.
  3. Well I'm new to this world of trials and I need major help with turning. Can anyone give me any tips to help?
  4. Say we count all dabs up to 5 and a new novice rider 5's EVERY section wouldn't that be discouraging? I've seen some sections where guys have taken more than 3 dabs but they were trying not to but especially in water sections it is very difficult. They rules are fine as is. Believe me my future father in law and I have had talks about the rules, he likes the old rules of no stopping in a section and what not.
  5. Yep I remember how could I forget?
  6. ah got my astars today and the rest of my gear never blew through so much money that fast lol

  7. Almost wrecked because of a stupid drunk driver =( awesome =/

  8. Well we hung out a couple times but it was just at each others houses nothing too special. We just call that our first date since it was outside of each others houses.
  9. well my story is now in my original post up top if anyone cares to read it
  10. I've just been wondering how/what got you started in trials and when did you start? Well mine is a bit unique to say the least. My first official date with my current fiance was at a trials event. He had me scoring a section with him and his father and told me that the pros were coming up the rock I was on but failed to tell me just how close well I was about a foot away from their boots lol. And I've been hooked ever since =)
  11. Ah 40 degrees at midnight =).. Its warming up =).. Come on spring =P

  12. During this last season I was scoring a section and one of the guys ended up upside down hanging from the seat of his pants on a tree.. Quite entertaining wish I would have got it on video
  13. Chances of snow today? Boo.. Spring get here already I'm tired of this snow

  14. well atleast you would never have to worry about dabing you would just 5 every section by beaking the secition tape
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