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Everything posted by bronyrafon
  1. I've been trying various things to try and sort out the staining on my TY250 tank... I've actually found something which is great for polishing the plastic - BMW Covertible Rear-Window Cleaner. It's designed for polishing up the clear plastic rear windows on Z3's & Z4's... Even though it polishes, it hasn't removed the staining, neither has bleach, or baking soda, or lemon juice or white vinegar... Does anyone know what type of plastic the tanks are actually made of, because I found this really interesting article where these guys have developed a recipe for a solution and gel for removing yellow stains off old computer cases and keyboards etc... Appartently these plastic bits go yellow due to exposure to UV light, and I'm pretty sure this is what causes the yellowing on the TY250 tanks, as I just removed the damaged original stickers, and underneath the plastic is pure white! This is the link for the recipe: http://retr0bright.wikispaces.com/Retr0Bright+Gel I'm going to try making some and see what happens... Gary.
  2. Cool, thanks Alan! I've just took my tank off and I'm trying bleach on it for a couple of days to see if that helps with the staining on the outside, then I'll use metal polish all over it to finish it off. Not sure if it'll do the job, but I've read around a few sites and people say this sort of cleaning helps... Let me know how you get on with the sealant, and maybe I'll buy some too. Thanks again, Gary.
  3. Thanks for the original post Alan. I wouldn't have found MXM without it. Where did you get the tank sealant from? Regards, Gary.
  4. I'll be fitting them tonight. Apparently the vinyl is perforated to allow the vapours through.... I had a look on the MXM website and they do stickers for all the old motocrossers that had the same type of plastic tanks...
  5. Hi, I've been trying for ages to get hold of replacement tank stickers for my 1991 (pre-Pinkie) TY250R mono trials bike (plastic tank). The usual ones just bubble off after a few days with the petrol fumes. I read around the forums and found an article where someone had said they were going to try a company called MXM to make some 'Pinkie' stickers which would work on the plastic tanks. Anyway, I found MXM on the Internet, and I sent Chris there a pair of cheap 'copy' TY250 stickers I had at home as a pattern, and today they have sent me 2 sets of the ones they made for me. I have to say they are superb, really thick and the colour is spot on! If anyone else wants to get hold of these for the plastic tank TY250 mono go to: www.mxm.co.uk MXM Racing Unit 1 Denton House Redburn Road Westerhope Newcastle Upon Tyne NE5 1NB TEL: 0191 286 0744 Hope other people find this useful. Gary.
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