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Everything posted by smallblerk
  1. Thanks Firedfromthecircus. Have a Great Christmas and Hogmanay!
  2. Hello everyone. I hope all your Christmas plans are going well and you have informed the Fella in Red what Trials goodies you would like! He has already brought mine, an ageing Yamaha TY175. I have been looking for one for ages and this one came along at the right price so I am pleased. Its been a while since i rode in a Trial, 1978 to be exact. Even then it was not by choice more as part of another event. I enjoyed it though even if i was not on a Trials Bike but an early Enduro. A Montesa King Scorpian, fore runner, sort of, of the Montesa H6. That dates me doesnt it! A couple of years later I purchased a Montesa Cota 172 which turned out to be great when it was going but that did not happen very often. It was so frustrating I sold it. Mrs SmallBlerk and I have always watched and sometimes observed Trials but boxes full of children stoped any participation. I hoped one of my sons might have been intereested so we bought an SWM 320 and Sidecar. Not fashonable for them so that had to go too. To be honest one is totally a car racing fan and the other still has road bikes in his blood. So donkeys years later here I am about to start the renovation of a TY175. I am looking forward to it I can tell you! Bit of a funny story for you involving a Trials Bike. The Montesa 172 I mentioned earlier was posibly the moodiest bike i have every owned. (Tempting fate?!) Some days a couple of kicks and it was away but not very often. On this occation, a misty Sunday afternoon in October or November my mate and I had decided to go to our practice area on the bikes. Ironicly he had a Yamaha TY175. I decided to put on my Castrol Jacket. Bright Green with Castrol patches all over it. The Montesa was being a pain in the ****! I kicked it, my mate kicked it, the next door neighbor kicked it, we had the plug out to dry it umpteen times. Cleaned the carb everything. So we tried to bump start it. We ran up and down the Street with it for ages and still nothing. We decided it had won and i was walking it back to the shed when I thought i would give it one last go. As I walked along I new it was in second and i was holding the clutch in I gently released the clutch. It fired and went straight to full revs with me walking along side it. Of course the front whell started to rise fairly quickly and the foot rest caught in the right hand pocket of my fancy Castrol jacket! I heard people shouting let go as it dragged itself out of my hands by now in a full wheelie and still attached to my jacket. As i fell forward it ripped the jacket off over my head and shot off down the road on full throttle! It fell over as i had done soon enough and was still going flat out. I was flat on the floor with only the cuffs of my jacket left. The Montesa had eaten the rest! Regards SmallBlerk
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