Does age matter? I am an aged novice(54)- started riding trials a few years ago after a 30 year break in any motorcycling. I try not to ride below 20F so much of the Alaskan winter I practice balance, no engine, in my garage. Balance is something that diminishes with age so I like that I am reversing that trend with this practice. Balancing indoors is not close to real riding, but ANY time on pegs is better than nothing. This is what I have learned-
Drop the pressure in you tires when you first start, add air as you improve.
Dont get into the habit of staring at the front wheel.
Pay attention to your posture- as a newbie I am stiff on a bike- I work on stance, keeping shoulders 90 degrees from tire balance points, move around on the pegs. By doing this I have increased the time I can spend on the bike without getting a sore back!
After you get the nack, add challanges like no hands, locking legs, elevating either wheel, extending legs for correction. Stabbing pegs to learn how bike reacts.
After twenty minutes of balancing start exertion like hopping the suspension- good workout- good base for hopping.
'No engine' balance may sound like a waste of time, but I dont have much choice and it has allowed me a way to exercise and trials has become a major motivation for me to get in better shape. Hard to get too much practice at the basics!