cost about 90 pounds, for the hole job,
talon made me up a new rear sprocket and soldered it back on the old hub for my old 500t norton, sent them the old hub they machined off the old sprocket put on the new one,
try riding it without the airfilter in,if it runs ok without the filter, then theres not enough air getting to the carb making the mixture rich whenyou put it under load
make sure you get the the rite seal for the water pump it should be a double lip seal, have done gas gas with that problem,people have been put single lip seals in, either lets water into the gearbox or oil into the water.
drill and tap a hole for a grease nippel in the head stock, then pump the head stock full grease you never have to change them
hope this works??, 1948 amberley ridge hotel Rodborough
23 Hugh viney,AJS
24 jack blackwell,NORTON
25 jack polwright,royal enfield
26 Allan jefferies, triumph
this pic, not to clear, 1948 ssdt, hope this is of interest, so it 61 years on, the bikes come bake to scotland,and boy did i enjoy it.if i had not got stuck in the bogs on friday between the last lot of section and picked up 52 marks on time i would have do quite well, cheers Gary
once again thanks for the info, cheers gary
Hi, had a great time riding the pre 65 trial, i would like to know if any one got a pic of me at the top of pipe line on saturday, got to with in 20 feet of the end on day 1 and got stuck on a rock, i was no. 64 riding a norton 500t (1947) got the old girl up there on saturday, cheers Gary
i had a 05 270 and i put 3 head gasgets in, made it a lot softer
there is a servaying company that sell flags on a wire, any colour you like, but you have to buy in 100 lots.
and they are cheep, and work well, i will find them out as i cant remember who they are .but i known a man who does, so i will post it up when i fined out thats it york servay supplies
well lads ,the wheels being rebuilt now so of to the modified class i guess?????
thanks woody i have a new Michelin tube tyre in the shed, some one came here riding and he had put a tube tyre on a tubeless rim, then could not make out why the rim would spin inside the tyre, so i gave a scond had tubeless, to keep him going
thanks for that woody as long as i can get some sort of good tyre for an 18 rim it will be ok, my riding skills are not that good so tyre type not to important i will still fall off or get stuck.
thanks john were do i go from here??? i had a new dunlop come they are real bad,ok if the bikes in a show room, my old tyre got 3 times as much tred on it as the new one, but it cracking round the side walls, the question is if you put a tube tyre on a tube less rim with a tube a security bolts will it hold has any one tryed that, nice to find out before i have the wheel rebuilt, or just put on a tube less rim and use a tube aswell??
Does any one know if you can still get good 400/19 trials tyres, i had a new dunlop tyre come yesterday and quality is CRAP so it going back, i think i will be better of to rebuild the wheel to 400 /18.
cheers Gary
thanks big john for putting me intouch with clive, he has given me some good tips, so iam now just started to lower the gearing etc, mum remembers you from the shop days, and she is comming up to scotland as well so hopefully she will bump into you somwere.
It sounds like iam in for a tough ride, but all i want to do is finnish, most of my mates think i need a medel just getting it of the trailer, cheers Gary
well lads thanks for the advice, did not think my posting would create so much intrest, ill be intouch to see about the mode to the rear hub, at presant still trying to find some where to stay as all acommadation we ring up is booked.
clive if you read this could you send me an email with your phone no. so i can give you a ring and have a chat about bike prep. you can get hold of me through our wed site www.keepyourfeetup.co.uk
cheers Gary
yes john the 500t was riden by jack blackwell in the first ssdt after the 2ndww jack was a factory rider for norton he was also shop forman for commafords, my dad rebuilt it he knew jack as well as he worked at commafords before he started motorite comp shop, see you there.
my rider no is 64 never riden the pre 65 scottish before got any tips ???
Just got my entry back to ride in the pre65 scottish, look forward to it, so if you see some one lying on the deck under a 1947 500t norton it will be me
sorry for not getting back our internet as been down for over a week, i know it will be a hard getting the 500t round, just thought it would be good to get the bike back to scotland, i dought if i can ride it as well as jack blackwell in 47 as i ride a 200 beta most the time, dont have to tell you guys how different they are
cheers Gary
yes big john, my farther did have motorite comp shop
Thank for that big john, Iam thinking of riding 500t norton that was ridden in the scottish in 1947 by jack blackwell, i have a picture of him and the bike at the start in 47, my farther(John Wright) rebuilt it some years ago, we allways thought it would be nice to bring it back to the event it was made for , cheers Gary
Hi, when do the regs come out for the pre 65 scottish, i have been looking on the ssdt site but i have not seen them posted yet, cheers
day light m.o.t no lights needed or speedo , you must have a horn, good luck next week