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Everything posted by gazer
  1. put in 3 head gasketts , it will make a big differance
  2. just find some pipe that will fit into the hole ,i have used air pipe that is the same size as the hole,and it been fine.
  3. I do 2/3 long distance trials a year on my old mans triumph 1963 scottish six day 3ta twin, thay are about 75 miles long with about 16 to 20 section, thay all run over the exmoor area, a real good fun day out on a bike. next one is on the 28 jan, starts in barnstaple is about 70 miles finnishes at Brendon on exmoor, and run by the north devon motor club.thay use alot of old green lanes and old metal roads,some of the time iam the only one on a british bike, but i sill keep up with the new ones.
  4. pic. taken at keepyourfeetup.co.uk just throught it was a good pic. to put up. we are all going to BVM to morrow see you there
  5. hi andy can you reserve me about 7 ticket for the keepyourfeetup boys thanks Gary
  6. you proberly find the bottom bearing as broken up or dryed out
  7. hi lee, not riding but will ride over on sunday on my 3ta triumph, to have a look. take a look at this www.keepyourfeetup.co.uk
  8. gazer


    the tool case on the back is made of leather, my friend is i harness maker, he made it up
  9. gazer


    sorry number is or original to that bike and is not for sale
  10. gazer


    here a works 1947 500t ridden by Jack Blackwell , in the scottish 6 days in 47
  11. thanks using photo buckett, and uploading from there, seams to have worked with the triumph, just down loaded showyourphotos and it works thanks for that
  12. gazer


    :hat: seeing if this works,heres one of my oldes,1962 rep. of john giles scottish 6 day bike :
  13. help needed,i want to post some pic but not shore how to do it,
  14. gazer

    First Ride On 4rt

    sorry i did not see you go yesterday, but there is a trial on sunday just out side minehead,in barton wood it a nice trial run by the exmoor club, it will be a good one to try out your 4t
  15. dont forget eta blow up the bultaco factory along with one of sinur bultos sons!!!!
  16. i got 350 3ta twin trials triumph,that my Dad uesed to ride,its like a lead balloon to ride compeared to a modern bike, but it looks and sounds great,you can still get all the engine parts from TMS of nottingham, 3ta engine will fit in most old twin shock frams,so you could build your own,or the old british bike mart is good place to look for one and the classic competition news aswell,
  17. gazer

    Gas Gas Pro

    just put your boot on the back wheel and pull
  18. sorry chap there is no quick answer to that, looks like you got to get the engine out and start agian,engine and gear box on that model are very easy to rebuild.hope you did not pay for that
  19. gazer

    Slipping Clutch

    rough up the steel plates sometimes helps,if the clutch has been slipping for a time, the steel plates glaze over
  20. gazer

    4rt Clutch

    take out 2 springs in the cluth pack
  21. a fun trial will beheld this saterday 13th august for pre 65 twin shock and monos, nothing to hard,starting at 4oclock under AMCA rules,in conjuntion with the ATLANTIC CLASSIC MCC. who are running a classic sramble on the sunday, with riders comming from across europe, camping avalible. to be held at Sloly Park,Berrynarbor,CombeMartin,North Devon, for info on the trial ring Steve on01271 345968
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