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Everything posted by gazer
  1. if you fancy a 2 hour drive, you can always come here,at keepyourfeetup.
  2. if you feel like trip down to north devon the lyn traders national trial is on the 28th , do some site seeing as well .
  3. silicone the spoke ends,
  4. gazer

    Swinging Arm

    you need to heat them up, and drift them out, the bearing in the suspension heat up the outer , put the new bearing on a bolt and useing a socket as a spacer on the other side you can ( the bolt goes through the socket as well) pull in the new bearing which pushes out the old one which come out inside the socket
  5. lyn & dmc National trial , held in North Devon regs should be out next week,if you would like regs sent please ring Mrs Baker on01598752640 will be held on 28 august
  6. i got a 1947 works norton 500t if you get wrong when you start it, it will break your leg
  7. at leased it wont float away like the Glastonbury tents!!!!!!!!!
  8. gazer

    Broken Exhaust

    cut open the silencer around the weld, i use a air disc which is very thin,re weld the baffels, re pack it with rockwool then weld it back to gether
  9. about 9lbs per foot, check it out on sherco web site you can down load pdf file on tec. dater
  10. gazer

    Milky Gearbox Oil

    more than likly water pump seals gone, also take a look at pump shalft,make sure its not worn and damaged the seals.also make sure the gear box breather pipe is not blocked up, it will coures a pessure build up in the gearbox.the impeller pump is plastic and they do break up some times,remmber to put the new seals in the write way round, some use a double liped seal or single liped back to back
  11. got one from BVM for about
  12. dont for get to heat up your wheel hub up before knocking out the old bearing,and before you put in the new one
  13. gazer


    Due to defra rules the lyn national was cancelled at the end of may. We are pleased to tell you that it has now been rescheduled to run on the 28th of august, if you rode last year you will get regs sent, but if you would like a ride please ring 01598752640, its bank hoilday weekend so if you fancy comming down to north devon nows your chance
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