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  1. From people that have ridden both I am told that the TRS has very similar ride characteristics as a Gas Gas. They were both developed to suit Adam Raga and I believe both had involvement from Jordi Tarres, so the ride is similar.
  2. I always ran a NGK BPR5ES in my Rev 3's. I think the R stands for resistor?
  3. ksv

    It's alive!

    Check all bolts now and after a couple of rides. My swinging arm bolt was loose from new! Only other issue I've had was a failed lanyard switch that prevented the bike from starting.
  4. I have a 2020 300 GP. It starts usually 2nd kick from cold and almost always 1st kick when warm. I wouldn't say it requires any particular knack; just get the kickstart on compression and then give it a good solid kick without snatching at it, and NO throttle!
  5. I swapped the rear shock spring on my 2020 Gas Gas GP 300 and it was a straight forward job. Mine has a Reiger 3 way shock but I presume the 2 way Reiger on the standard TXT model will be very similar. Remove the air box and rear wheel for easy access (the handbook advises removing the silencer but its not needed) Slacken off both of the spring preloaders at the bottom of the shock all the way (best to do this before the next step to avoid the shock spinning) Remove the top shock bolt and tip the shock back Once you have done 2. and 3. the top section of the shock should move down slightly to allow you to remove a large circlip. Once the circlip is off, the top section that holds the spring will come off and allow the spring to come off over the top of the shock. Put on the new spring and do all of the above in reverse Set your static and weighted sag roughly Ride the bike a bit to bed in the spring Set your static and weighted sage again a bit more precisely (instructions on this are in the handbook) Changing the spring took me about half an hour with no prior knowledge, just figuring it out as I went along. If you don't know how shocks disassemble (I didn't) the circlip was only apparent after the preloaders were wound all the way off so no pressure was on the spring. For what it is worth I fitted a Jitsie aftermarket spring and it has made a big difference. I found the shock bottomed out a lot with the standard spring even with preload wound up high. The Jitsie springs are a little cheaper than the Reiger ones. Splatshop sells them among others.
  6. Surely the difference between a trial and a practice session is down to the amount of time actually riding. I would expect 4+ hours at a trial to use up considerably less battery/petrol than 3 hours when practising. At a trial you spend a significant period of that time walking sections and sat in queues, whereas a practice session you are on the go all the time (mostly).
  7. I am definitely tempted once my current petrol bike needs upgrading. I echo the comments about them becoming outdated very quickly due to enhancing technology. My main concern would be the weight. The Race model is quoted as 75kg, which seems heavy compared to 68kg for a 300 GasGas, or 66kg if you want to spend £10k on a Vertigo Titanium model. I'm guessing that is all batteries though?
  8. ksv

    Steering head bearings

    Previous owner was too handy with a pressure washer i think. After it was stood a month the bearings had seized. They freed off enough to ride but aren't smooth now. I'm hoping I can just replace the inner race when I open it up as that should help. But as I have the full bearing I may as well do it properly. Just need to know how to get the outer race out?
  9. Another newbie question. I've never changed steering head bearings before. Any tips / procedure for doing these? I've got the new bearings, just want to know if I need any specific tools / things to look out for before I start stripping the front end. Bike is a 2020 GP 300 if that makes any difference. Cheers
  10. Hi, A couple of newbie questions: What code wheel bearings are needed for a 2020 GP model? Having never changed wheel bearings myself before; do you need specialist tools/press to fit them? Or do you just tap them in with a soft hammer? TIA
  11. Only thing I can think of is that it hasn't been assembled correctly (spacer missing or on wrong side etc) making the whole system run out of alignment causing it to twist under compression. Either that or it was just a faulty part, but you would expect to be able to see some form of imperfection along the break line to indicate this.
  12. ksv

    2000 Beta Rev 3 270

    As mentioned above if you get the float setting perfect a Beta engine is pretty bomb proof. The electrics are a common fault, in particular the stators go on them frequently, so ask if it's it had a new/reconditioned one fitted. After every wash (and wet ride) make sure to take off the flywheel cover and give it a squirt of WD40 or something similar to disperse any water and let it dry out fully. The clutch can stick when cold and drag a little when in use. If that bothers you search for the beta clutch fix on here you will find all you need to resolve that.
  13. Some of the stickers on my GasGas are starting to come away at the edges and have lost there stickiness (I was probably over keen with the jet wash and liberal use of silicone spray afterwards). What glue is best for sticking them back down before they peal too much and get damaged? Ideally I want something that is strong enough to reattach them but not too strong that they will never come off again if I decide to replace the stickers at a later date.
  14. I have a 2021 300 GP and it's exactly the same. I'd much rather it run perfectly when it's up to temperature, than sacrifice something to make it run a bit cleaner when it's cold.
  15. Does anyone have a link to the BTC round 1 results?
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