I don't attach straps to the handle bars anymore prefering to attach them to the top of the stanchions (where the mudgaurd attaches) this way there is no fork movement.
If you wish to attach to the handle bars I suggest putting a Bungy/okky strap to the tie down hooks, that way if the forks compress the straps will stay taught and not unhook from the handlebars/eyebolts...
Sorry Greg I can't answer that one as here in Aus we can't register a trials bike, also mine has a 10 tooth on the front so it will rev quite high for little high speed gain. For trailling a 11 or even a 12 would be fine and 80kph should be no problem
Over here in west aus we pay the observers $A10 per day this ensures that we usually have 8-9 sections observed it also ensures we have a pool of excellent observers for those one off special events...
Most trials attract around 50-60 riders and we pay $A10 an event, this sysstem might not work for all areas but were a pretty close knit bunch with only two clubs in an area the size of western europe!!!
Hi Greg, i've had the 150 for nearly a year now and at no time have I found it wanting in the trail dep't, just remember that it isn't a WR250. The main thing to consider is the nature of the beast compared to the SY250 the 4ST will almost double your range which would be a major factor when stuck on the Alps, weight wise there's not much in it, power wise well the 250 has more ooomphph!! (duh!!) but for 90% of us mere mortals that dosn't really matter. One major point of the 175 is that the TT125 engine has been around for donkeys years now and spends the majority of its time on the roads commuting, if it was a lemon Yamaha would have discarded it ages ago!!!!!!!!!!!
Perce: I bourght my TY250 for 699pounds from Eddy Grimsteads East Ham in 1977 then rode it back to Maidstone without a licence. Oooooopppsss!!!! I've got a pic of it outside the shop but sadly it didn't look that good for long. I remember the rear engine mounts worked thier way loose on the way home and shook the brackets apart!!!!!
I remember Girling gas shocks were near 100 pounds, i'm glad they havn't gone up 400% having just paid less than 200 pounds ($A450) for some Falcons. Some low life stole the Girlings from my securly padlocked TY......
Had a similar problem on a sherco, the problem was a blocked inlet hole (through corrosion) in the master cylinder, where the resevior pipe enters the master cylinder there is a small pinprick hole that goes through to the piston make sure thats clear.
I don't know whats come over Australian TV latley but we have been inundated with trials on the FOX network. over the last couple of months we have had all the 06 indoors and in the last two days all the outdoors including the TDN. WOW!!!!!
I wonder what Mr Duke thinks about it because apart from the naf googlized commentry they are far superior to the dule offerings...............
One particular ride comes to mind and that is of Alberty C in the spannish round, who's bike became entangled in wire half way through a section the minder untangled the wire from the wheels whilst Albert balanced then Albert appeared to clean the section??????????????
Thanks PA
Now I know which end to put the tank on!!
My front pipe on my 143 must of been caoated in black chocolate from new because it started peeling as soon as I started it, even now after a wet trial or I didn't dry it well enough I have to give it a quick respray. Pity because the rest of the bike is superb!!!!!!!!!!! anyone recommend a decent exhaust paint that stays on!
Proberbly thinking
"well thats one less I have to worry about!"
"thank god he didn't get a scorpa 175 or i'd be worried!"
Can someone please point me towards some TY175 Tank Decals of the red white checkered variety, there's normally some on Ebay but sods law as soon as you want some there not there!!!!!
OK thanks for that guys I was just about to paint my original frame until Westyfield put in his 2 bobs worth!!!
Now at the end of the 70's and into the 80's shocks started to angle their way down the frame, I myself converted my 250 to a godden frame which was far superior to the yam. This was of course due to the revised geomentry, lighter frame, girlings gas shocks and Bernie's handlebars (ah where is she now!!!!).
What makes a bike ride better with angled shocks? Westy reakons it transformed his TY, Jay informs me that I must start cutting and welding my headstock to get the desired effect and Mr Greeves quite correctly points out that more angle means more spring less dampening, which in theory I would think was worse for your rear end.
Now I know laying down the shocks is better, it must be because every manafacturer did it!!!! or was it just a gimmick. I remember seeing a Yamaha promo in slowmo pointing out the superior grip of a DT175 mono against a DT175 twinshock, but today only my little Scorpa follows that trend all other bikes having a more vertical shock. A Scorpa gets excellent traction however the rear end doesn't flick around as easily as say a Beta is this the same theory for twinshocks???????
Very considerate wife, how strong is the roof on that shed
Just resurecting one of my ty175's and have just purchaced some new falcon shocks and the sammy miller footpegs, although i'm not aiming to create a museum piece I do want her to be competetive in the twin shock class.
I have noticed that one of my 175 frames has been modified, although cruedly to enable the rear shocks to be layed down to a variety of positions.
Is it worth swapping frames and if so what is the ideal distance from the original top mount to adjust the shock too? What are the advantages/disadvantages of laying down the shocks and at what angle do you stop?
Thanks for that MartinM just as scary as it was in 83, only caught one glimps of me in the crowd though Makes you wonder if a good rider on a modern bike would still be able to do the hill climb or the barrels for a clean?
Looking for some new rear shockees for my TY175, here in Aus I can't find any importers so I'm having to look further afield. Can anyone recommend a reliable dealer as i've emailed Sammy Miller a coulple of times with no response perhaps no one wants my money??????
What shocks do you recommend guys?
Thanks Austini
Hi Don the extension of the clutch arm is just that, an extention just a bolt on, no need to remove the clutch arm. I personelly didn't fit it as it was already fitted by http://www.scorpaaustralia.com/ when I bourght the bike, you may want to contact them as they may have the parts already pre made!!! If you look at the pic previously posted you can make out the rough method of extension and length. (around 1.5cm)
Hope this helps
Regards Austini
A very dear friend of mine who unfortunatly is nearing the end cards made this little tank/seat unit for his ccm, I think it improves an already awsome piece of trials machinary, what do you think?
Many many moons ago my sons ty80 refused to start, after much spark plug changing, kill switch checking and fuel fillling it was time to attempt to start the troublesome machine, "Give er a kick!" I said to my son to which he gave a healthy boot to the cylinder head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She dosen't mow lawns for a living thats for sure although she might flatten a few!!!
I don't think i'd get past 4 strokes.......... to get the oil off the shelf at the back of her garage
TTS for sure, wouldn't use anything else, my son uses belray MC1 but it never looks like its mixed enough...... two engine seizers on his Beta doesn't enstile confidence in me either.
Had some Motorex given to me when I bourght a SY250, I found that to leave an oily residue in the exhausts!!
Quick one for Barry I don't care how nice my supplier is, I don't buy that much oil to warrant a personality contest, in fact I ride a Scorpa 175 now so i'll shut up
Mind you if a geogeous blond with outstanding H ters said that BP lawn mower 2T was the way to go I might be persuaded!!!!!
My son picked up his 07 270 Beta yesterday and at first glance she looks stunning......... however a few things have caught my eye:
The plastic inserts either side of the fuel tank are really lose and I doubt will last a trial.
One of the footpeg springs was broken.
The front light flickers on and off doing figure eights.
The RH bolt on the lower radiator is hard up againts the exhaust.
Quite a few bubbles on the graffics.
Don't get me wrong its a great bike and my son reakons its a much improved machine over his 03 270, on all his practice rocks, logs etc: the 07 out performs the 03,
Thanks for the advice on the kill switch I will get an after market jobbie asap!!!
Plenty of Jobs and a great Trials scene!!!
What things in your life have trials links,
I know when looking for new passwords all of the gasgas's, beta's and sherco01's 02's 03's etc: have been taken, and i'm not talking just trials web sites.
Number plates around the globe have Scorpas, TRIALS1, and BETAETA on them.
How many pets out there are called "Dougie"? I know of two in West Aus!
For such a small sport i'd say were a passionate bunch when it comes to relating trials to things in our life, I know theres plenty of soccer number plates out there but that sport is marginally bigger!!!!!
I can imagine all the trials riders around the world now changing their bank account password from BETAREV3 to SCORPA175 because its less common but more reliable!!!!!