Yep I remember the Fantic Motor Super T, the quickest Italian thing we had in darkest Kent was a Malaguti Monti until it exploded, sort of the REV3 of the Moped World.
Getting back to the main topic, TY50's must of been well ahead of their time because we were using swingarm mounted footrest for the difficult lamp post sections, especially when the cotter pin had bent on the bycycle footrests
As for the 10T sprocket I got mine from http://www.scorpaaustralia.com/ who are great to deal with but yamaha should do them as well.
The pic shows the casing protecters and the location of the 400X18 innertube on the ultra stiff rear fender!!
extending the clutch actuator arm
Mainly the Birkett mods:
17.5 pilot jet, 102.5 main jet. set float height to 18mm the mixture screw should be set at 3 turns out
Removing exhaust baffles, only remove the 2 middle restrictor bars, DO NOT TAKE THEM ALL OUT!
For the hydraulic clutch extend the actuator arm 1cm.
Rear fender is way too stiff so I removed all screws/cable ties and pulled on a 2inch length of 400x18 inner tube to secure it just infront of the rear muffler, that way the fender just springs back into place.
10t sprocket.
I sealed the area behind the carby to air intake, also selasticated the area behind the air intake so water will run either side of the intake, and lastly made up a rubber cover similar to a SY250 in front of the rear wheel and velcroved that in place.
Last but not least I made up two bash plate extensions out of ali checker plate to protect the casings, these just bolt on to the existing bash plate holes.
Great bike for 99% of situations for 99% of riders!!!!
I used to suffer pretty badly from fore arm pump, what I recommend is lots of pinapple juice prior too and during the event, I also take an olive leave extract mixture that they sell downunder which does wonders for all sorts of ailments.
Funnily enough I used to suffer more on my sherco than my sy250!! with my current bike a scorpa 175 the clutch arm has been extended about 1cm, if I was ever to get forearm pump with my 175 clutch it would be time to give up trials!!
Your local Yamaha dealer?
Wow its amazing that the only known videos of kickstart left in the known universe originated in Australia!!!!! Surly there must be more kickstart videos out there somewhere, come on chaps lets find them!!
Hey my old 1976 TY50p used to be good for 60mph and its partner in crime a FS1E used to get to 70!! mind you spedos well less acurate in those days.
I like the tyre hugging rear fender the main problem is where do you sit between sections (ouch!!)
Perth Zoo in Western Australia has the greatest artificial rocks you can imagine, can't say i'd like to take a dab in the croc enclosure though!!!
The rocks are made of wire mesh sprayed with concrete then stained, whether or not they would support a trials bike I don't know?
I put no!! because Trials riders are more interested in paying attention to Motorway embankments or rocky outcrops whilst they drive as apposed to other road users.. The best sections in the world are the ones your not allowed to ride on, usually next to roads or roundabout landscapping!!!!
Any rocks a good practice rock you just have to shorten your run up to match your ability, i'd be more concerned about upsetting the neighbours using those rock though, not a good image for the sport!!!!!!
I luv my little scorpa 175 and for 80% of the average joes out there its the ideal bike, sure theres a few large rocks I have to put more effort in to get up but that is far out weighed by the ease in which it does everything else. My son rides expert lines and cross trains on mine (when his BETA is getting fixed so quite often) and he reckons it has helped him out no end, especially in refining his techniques.
Technology wise the frame and suspension are up to date however the engine is out dated, in my opinion if owning an outdated engine means using strait unleaded, and changing the oil every month or so and almost zero maintainance required then i'll stay outdated!!!!
20 odd years on British then Australian submarines!!
Gday should have a few trials for you in Perth around that time, i've PM'd yer with the details...
She do look very nice, and has the kickstart on the right side.
The decompressor lever could just be a choke lever ala 175 scorpa!!
Beta will have lost a s$%t load of sales bringing out the 270 2t first.
R2 once again you've mentioned a 4banger Scorpa..............Ummmmmmmmm!! I still feel a change comming in the wind.
You be pleased to know that No1 son has just ordered his 07 270
250 plastics are pretty good the 175's though are far too stiff and will rip through the mounting screws or cable ties with ease!! I ended up using 2inches of 400X18 inner tube and sliding it on the mudgaurd just forward of the rear muffler that way the mudgaurd just spring back into place.............
It was so high on my shopping list I bourght one and have never looked back, trouble is once you wash it and have changed the oil occasionally there's nothing else to do. Pretty boring really, it just sits there waiting to be riden, no radiator levels to check, no mixing oils it hasn't even got much of a linkage to grease.
Zzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!! oh well time to blow off a few 270's
Keep them comming chaps, lets see if we can crack the magic ton!!
Its good to see that 60% of us are still old school, or just honest!
I thought more people would be front wheel hopping over rear wheel?
Does this meen that 60% of us could do just as well on a 10 year old bike than on a new one?
Quote:Yay, I think I can tick some boxes!
What do you mean by "Pivet turn" ?
Pivet Turn... to pivet of an obstical ie:tree..... to assist in tightening a turn...... latin:Pivitus flash *******us!!!
I was going to put "waiting for the bike to come to a complete standstill before retrieving bodyparts!!
Just how good are the participants of these Forums when it comes to actually riding in section not in practice? If you believe some of the posts about super dooper read valves, after market shocks or weight saving add ons that people swear by, i'd believe most of the readers here would tick boxes 2 to 6.....
In west aus out of the 60 or so riders i'd say 90% would only tick the top box!!! so be honest what techniques do you use in a section????????????
Depends if your one of the minority who can hop the front comfortably or not...............
I was just going to suggest a blocked fuel cap breather hose, but the kill button it was then!!!
Used to use Castic soda on my TY50P exhaust many moons ago just to keep up with the FS1E's, no i'm not talking another language i'd say a few readers would know where i'm comming from........
Castic soda will clean the gunk from exhausts but in my experience not the carbon side just the 2t gunky residue, and these days a good degreaser would be safer.........
Has any one tried the "Carbon Clean" stuff that the 4wheel brigade use instead of dismantling their over engineered engines????