Not bad down under in West Aus, At least two trials a month sometimes three, 60 riders very little queing, majority are fully observed, no supp regs, results on the day, great social scene with regular two day camping events.............
The average price for a new, run of the mill 250/200 here in Aus is between 8000-9000 A$, and over the last 10 years that figure hasn't changed alot. The amount of $$$$ the average joe earns, or the amount of debt he is prepared to endure has changed dramatically in that period, net result more spendable income for those little luxuries. The other factor is peer pressure, the more new bikes appearing in the paddocks the more riders feel they need to upgrade to keep up. Most riders can perform just as well on a five year old bike as on a new bike, in fact riding a slightly less capable machine can be more benificial to improving riding skills.
As for buying chinese imports over the usual makes, I havn't seen many chinese motoX copies making it to the track yet, you pay for what you get at the end of the day.
The TYZ was over priced and certainly not cutting edge when they came out, look how many still ride in the scottish! compared to the same generation of Gasgases/Beta's and Fantics.
Hi Popeye, Having spent over 20 years in both the Royal Navy and Royal Australian Navy balancing trials with time away is frustrating but it does give you someway of letting off steam!!!!!!! when your in home port.
Some defence forces frown on sailors riding (high powered!!!!!) motorcycles for sport so if thats the case don't tell them
Last ride of the year ehh!!!! I wonder where your going (not) Still think of the money you'll save, enough to by a Scorpa 175 perhaps.
Have fun
If anyones traveling downunder around October time why not visit Perth for the Australian Nationals, and if you want a ride i'm sure we can source a trusty stead!!! from some where.
Details to be found at:
First trial today, I think I must be still riding it like a 2ST because I rode crap, the bike was fine although she kept on flooding!!!! Handling wise was very similar to the SY but the 175 does turn tighter, I managed to snap the choke lever off but luckely didn't break the master cylinder.
Oh well theres still the next trial!!!!!!!!!!
Did colomer ride the scorpa 4st?
How did steve look on the RTL compared to the new bikes?
What was the answer and who won???????????
Hi chaps, I will be taking delivery of a new 175f in a couple of weeks having traded mt 04 sy250, the reason for this move is I am having lots of problems with the tendons in the elbows etc: (just an age thing) and one of the main agitators is continued clutch/brake action, especially the last few laps of a long trial. To cut a long story short, in theory a 4st shouldn't need so much work, question is how many of you have made the change from Sy to 4st and what is the general concensus???
I still love my SY and would rate it as the best all round trials iron for nthe average joe.
What are the current recommended mods, unfortunatly my 175 will be the only one in West Aus and I will have nothing to compare it with.
I hope section 10 is a missprint for Dougie's sake
Whats happened to Boyd Wilcox?????
I use the sherco torque settings from the Ryan Young web sight (bike maintainance section) on all our familys bikes havn't stripped a bolt yet. Sheco's Beta's and Scorpa's as well as the ocasional gasgas, saying that my sons stripped two Beta swinging arm bolts by not using the torque wrench!!!!!!
I've noticed the rev 3 swinging arm bolt needs to be 4mm longer so the nut is fully home, the nut on all the rev3's i've seen still have a couple of mm of unused thread to go when tight!!!!
I'm still more Pom than Aussie so who ever wins i'll be
Another source for a rattle could be the gear at the rear of the clutch basket, some home machanics when removing the clutchbasket nut, place a screwdriver inbetween the gears to stop the clutch turning with obvious results (bent gears)
Shercos I find are the least expensive for parts and following the online Ryan Young maintainance book maintaining you own machine is a painless exercise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a thourght
Nice trials park you've got there mostar, If any of you guys are comming over for the Aussie titles in Perth i'll be more than happy to show you around AJS Park in WA.
Pics are available via r2W's website.
Thanks for your replies guys most informative. Has anybody experienced piston slap on the early shercos? and if so how did you cure it? new piston or upsized!!!!!!!!!!!!
My 2000 250 sherco has developed piston slap, I fitted a 99 sherco barrel and piston just to confirm this and the noise ceased.
Question is should I fit a new B size piston which the 2000 model has, or move up to C size? The Ryan Young maintainance guide recommends in cases of bore wear replace with the next piston size up! It doesn't mention if the barrel need hoanning to fit the C size, will the .00038" increace of a C size piston seize the barrel if fitted or is it nothing to worry about?
.. When i lived in oz, in 1988 and 89 i brought a Valient Ranger to travel about in
No wonder we deported you!!!!!!
Now that explains a lot!!!!!!!!!!
I bet you put the money towards a skip opppps sorry a Skoda convertable when you got back home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How much, if at all has the 4rt held Dougie back, how many factors should we take into effect.
Do all the spanish/portugal/andorra rounds set their sections to suit the 2st's????.
Is dougie passed his prime? or have Raga's inc: just stepped up a level ?.
Was dougie lucky he only drasticly change mounts near the end of his career as opposed to poor old Bernie who had to switch to a Massy Fergason the year after his world title.
Heath, whats the go? first you switch from Gasgas to Beta after many years of loyalty and now Daisy Duke and the General Lee has replaced the Bananna Splits!! At least with the Bananna Splits you can imagine becomming the "size of an elephant"
" I can't understand it???? It worked in the online trials game!!!!!!
I think Sherco would say they are lost without Grimbo not after Japan!
I must admit a few years ago I flew home from West Aus to visit the relees in Kent, since there was a trial on near Canterbury I drove down to watch. Although Graham wasn't riding I got chatting with his dad and walked with him around the course. The amount of gardening being done by all riders was truely amazing I spoke with Steve Foord who was riding the trial and rode in West Aus a previous year and he said it was quite normal. Here in West Aus gardening is definetly out, if the (my better arf!!) is observing and a rider accidently kicks a rock she will make them replace said rock to its previous location.
Unfortunatly shares in JCB have never been floated here in Aus!!!!
Well said Lane, i've seen many a 70's/80's rider come back into the sport and either start riding regulary again or just once or twice a year. One thing I can tell you I never underestermate them, riding TY175 or 240 Fantics etc: they certainly are capable of walloping a lot of young bucks on their 06 machinery.
On the matter of the 125's, one of our top juniors here in West Aus went to europe last year rode in Italy and got soundly beaten, this season he's riding a 125 here in Aus with greater precision and control than his old 250 and beating all commers regulary.
If Bernie was as proactive as Lane on this forum and had exactly the same opinion (which i'd say he would) would you guys give him such a hard time?
Havn't broke a SY mudgaurd yet but they do scratch easyly when she's inverted, mind you so do I!!!!!!!!!
Had to drop a grade today because of a dicky elbow so quite a easy day, having the extra protection on the engine cases works well for those tight gaps inbetween the rocks and gives you one less thing to worry about!!!!!!!!!