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  1. also adjustable pressure plate from xui helps
  2. Looking to replace just the pick up on bike as stator bolt sheared off and took out coil. need to know its output etc to try and replace, Thanks in Advance Krash
  3. krash69

    2012 280I Dead

    Found USB adaptor, will try and hook up my 2015 250 tomorrow. If all goes well then we can scan yours
  4. I will get banned ? is that a request ? cry harder Steve, Work together ? the truth will win out, I have copies of the truth of you trying to work together, isnt slander your middle name. Your a joke. Krash P.s. Thanks spenser
  5. I would imagine there are that many riders that do not compete in organized events. For the most part Trials riders seem to be realy nice yet somewhat quirky people. Perhaps too nice to say something to that small majority of riders that are more into back stabbing and generally making it uncomfortable to come to events, they just go away. When people let their business interfere with the well being of the sport, they drive away more riders than they draw, seems kind of counterproductive to youre business. When you actively campaign to people not to attend an event because you didnt get a national, or it's the wrong organization you basically put the nail in your own coffin. No wonder you didnt get a National when your online bashing the person that awards such events. It's not rocket science. If you prey on people that wont fight back or dont get the chance to voice a reply, then undoubtedly you represent a losing position. Id sure like to hear the opinions, but i guess i;ll have to wait till once again its replayed to me by those you talk to me about. I attend events even of those I speak of, even though it is uncomfortable considering the trouble I cause. Krash
  6. now for more than 10 words id say that isnt going to happen as those involved probably wont even comment. when they dont have their uneven playing ground. A sad place where all who speak out against them are moderated. Ive said my peace, they know who they are, let them scury away and hide. They wont say anything to my face and i'm certainly not the one to speak on anyones behalf but my own, merry xmas Krash
  7. We need to work together in a peaceful friendly way
  8. Sorry, it's a little vague so that only those involved get what i'm saying. I have a very complicated in depth plan to regeneriate interest and growth in our region. Be nice, support everyone. Obviously I can't be involved, Just wanted to give my opinion Krash
  9. School girls in Canada at war over control of non existing, flailing sport. Little brats sporting banners of WEC and CMA rip sport apart and show their ugly colors. Web site used to blow sunshine and push wares, hurl nasty comments at the opposite side and hide behind the muse of informative site. Older girls prancing around pretending to be ambassadors are seen by many to be putting the final cut in a dying breed. Those who oppose the large commander are banned and shunned, why it
  10. I've given up trying to maintain any semblence of order in these here parts. Anarchy rules! banning people and locking deleting topics ? not a forum really at all, off topic off center ? moderator ? perhaps we should just ask what were supposed to say
  11. Here in bc Canada we have snow tires, screws or such in the tires so were used to snow, but today is crazy 6+ inches
  12. put it in the trunk http://www3.telus.net/public/acrumly/links.htm
  13. ask hugh, he will tell you to clean the rust of the bolts that go through the shoes, as they slide on the bolts and cause the squeek
  14. Observed Motorcycle Trials in Canada I am a virtual newcomer to the Trials scene but the passion was instant. Growing up so to speak under the wings of Dave
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