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Posts posted by alan.p
  1. Ahh NUTS !!!!

    I had a sherco before the 4RT and I gave away a brand new sherco brake lever to a guy in the club :) mmm..... think I'll have to have a dig around in the back of his van next time out !!

    Ferretflasher , I have one more standard Mont lever and my hybrid repaired lever (not pretty, but it would enable you to stop !!) I may well contact you at <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central> for one of Mr Mitani's levers .

    Thanks <_<

  2. To all 4RT owners. <_<

    Is it just me or does anyone else agree that the rear brake pedal on the 4RT is made of pure CRAPPY alloy !!!! It seems the the slightest clip on a rock in a gulley and the shagging thing just falls asunder :stoned::beer: I'm now on my 3rd lever and I know some will say that if you rode round and over things you wouldn't brake em ! But hey we're not all Dougie Lampkin. With all the after market goodies for the Mont like Titanium pegs and hangers is there anyone making a decent Brake Pedal ? Calling Mr Ferretflasher , you seem to be the man in the know when it come to 4RT goodies is there any after market stuff out there ?

    Its just a bit of a pain the build quality everywhere else on the bike is top class .........Just that poor quality alloy :P

    Thanks all .

  3. Well Lads , I ran my 4RT in at a club trial ,just rode round for the day & did the easy route and didn't really get it past half throttle just took it handy no big climbs or steps,went out twice after that just practicing then changed the oil which was nearly as clean as the new stuff i put in :) have done one oil change since ,oil still clean :) another change due now and i'll do the filter as well . While on the subject of oil I know it's been talked about before but have any of you any preferences as to oil for the gearbox :lol:

  4. I also have an 06 4RT , which i have had since november and i have just aquired the knack of starting it when hot . Mine is completely standard I haven't touched a thing and I would agree with some of the other replies. Yes it definently starts better in neutral , I can get mine to start in gear but the one thing that remains the same is ...NO THROTTLE !!! :D If the bike has been left for a couple of miniutes while you walk a section it may need a primeing kick or two but follow up with the longer prod with no throttle and away she goes !!! :D:beer: Be patient with it and give it time , once you get completely familiar with it starting will be a breeze . Hope this helps .

  5. I can only agreee with GIZZA5 :) ,I collected my 06 4RT Thursday :rolleyes::unsure: and i hoped to get a decent spin on Saturday before club trial today but didn't manage it all I got was about half hour at home, so it was straight in at the deep end . I took it fairly handy for the first lap and then started to get a feel for it.....and it was smiles all the way to the finish.

    Super smooth power helped by a superb light throttle,fantastic suspension and handling & cracking exhaust note !!! :lol:

    Buy one if you fancy it , you wont be dissapointed.

    By the way , when I collected mine there were 2 plastic covers on either side of the rear spindle covering the nuts , Are these just transport packing or are they there to do a job ? Anyone know .

    By the way I lost one today !!!

  6. GIZZA5

    Do I take it that as you are trading in the two stroke oil business that maybee you are now the the proud owner of a 06 4RT :ph34r::D

    Hope so because that will mean they have landed and mine should be here soon :o



  7. Well Lads

    I'm in the same position as yourself , sold my bike 2 weeks after manx 2 day and been without since :ph34r: Contacted dealer last week and he had a repsol in stock for about a month so i said if the 06 wasn't here i'd buy the repsol ....but he'd sold it , Bummer . But good news was that 06's will be here this week , Happy Days are on the way !!! :D:o

    Let me know what you think when yours arrives


  8. Windlestone.

    Those HEBO footpegs you put on your 4RT , are they just replacement pegs or did you replace the footpeg hangers as well ? Heard some people were changing the hangers as well so it moved the peg back about 10mm .

  9. GIZZA5.

    I,m in the same position as yourself I have an 06 4RT ordered and just counting the days to delivery :) As Windlestone says i also intend to leave mine totally standard and see how it goes , let's face it Mr Honda and Mr Monteasa spent a long enough developing the bike so it has to be fairly right :beer: ......Doesn't It !! Any way can't to find out . :(:o


  10. Rob W , Woody & Downunder

    Thanks all of you for your advice regarding the servicing of the 4RT. :o

    I haven't heard anything that would turn me off buying one , so what the heck , I think the time is getting near for the dealer to see the colour of my money , probably wait for the 06 model round mid sept :wall: .

    Thanks again


  11. Rob W & Barcota

    Thanks for the advice , servicing doesn't sound as bad as i thought and if the manual is as good as you say we shouldn't have to many problems. :wall: p.s Rob , do you really think it would be nessasary to change a piston each year ?

  12. well lads,

    I'm also considering buying a 4RT , i've ridden one and was well impressed with it :( But ! the main concern i have is with the maintainance side of things,a friend who has one said the guy who serviced his reckoned it was a pig to service i.e oil and filter because the flywheel had to be removed to get at the filter :o now i wouldn't be to bad with the spanners but if this job is that awkward and has to be done that often ........mmm makes me wonder should I or shouldn't I :wall: But i do really like the bike !Confused , any feedback would be a help. ;)

  13. Cota kid.......

    I'd agree with what ishy says about plugged pilot jet , had a simular problem with my 04 290 took the carb apart cleaned everything with the air line and it's been the finest ever since , i didn't have any hot starting problems though so can't help there , maybee give the jets a clean and she how she goes :D

  14. well now i'm totally confused :P I currently have a 04 290 2T and was considering buying a mont 4RT a freind had one of the first ones and swears buy it , then i thought i'd wait and may be stick with sherco and there 4T but you so many good things and bad about both machines you wouldn't no what to do ! Has any one road both 4RT and 4T in anger and what did they think ? Sherco looks a little more user friendly in the spanners department, .........i just don't know !!!!

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