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  1. Today, the Yorkshire Centre staged the Youth and Girls intercentre Team Trial held at the Parkwood Offroad Centre, Tong. Results attached. It was a close battle between Yorkshire and East Yorkshire for the honours with riders Dan Peace, Jack Peace, Michael Todd, Zac Collinson & Oliva Kendra eventually taking the win by only 2 points. Third place was fought out between the Midland centre and South Western with only one point separating them. The girls again from East Yorkshire and Yorkshire Centres fought for top honours with the East Yorkshire team of Nikita Smith, Beth Waite and Louise Alford taking the win. Congratulations to all those taking part in what was a marvellous event. Intercentre team Trial-Youth&Girls results.pdf
  2. I use wheels from a 2003 gasser in my 2012 250 Pro. As long as your racing model uses same wheels as the pro there should be no problem:- Back wheel fits without modification. You need to replace the bearings and spacer in the front wheel. You can get a conversion kit from GG.
  3. Pictures from the Normandale Trials Championship at Bootle.
  4. Spent 2 hours last Friday searching for an insuance company (other than MSM) that would insure an Evo at similar rates as paying at present for a GG (sub
  5. Chances are that the motor has over heated due to the failure of the thermostat or fan. Assuming it's an older pro with the in line stat, could be the stat will have blown out of the housing creating the cloud of steam. As said previously, sounds like the water pump seal has blown due to overheating.
  6. redvanman

    clutch noise

    Quite Normal. When engaged all should be quite.
  7. Shoulds have stayed a while longer. After the second snow shower (blizzard) we had all had enough standing out there. White out by the time we had closed sections and made it back to car park. "back was freezing on section 8 waiting in the queue" Should have gone for ride around. I would have waited for you. I was frozen on section 8.
  8. Results for 3 days now available
  9. Results for Saturday now available
  10. Results for friday now available
  11. Norton internet security reports this link as bad. Beware.
  12. In response to your request I have uploaded the 2010 provisional dates. Easy clubman, beginners trial June 6th will be at Applegarth on the Richmond to Marske road. Will post final instructions and start times later in week on TC calendar. Stuart
  13. Have had a 03 Pro since new and is coming up to seven years old in October and is still running a treat. We had a 2004 Pro that did 2 Scotts and at present have a 2007 250Pro that has done 1 Scott, 2 SSDT's, various nationals, centre trials and club trials and is still going strong. Don't be put off buying a GG Pro.
  14. Try here If you find who your looking for pm me and I will forward a decent copy to you.
  15. redvanman

    Gasgas 270

    I have a service manual for the Contact TXT which I believe to be for the 99 or 2000 models. PM me with your email address and I will forward you a copy.
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