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Everything posted by redvanman
  1. Decision made. Pick up a Scudo on Thursday. I believe the Scudo now comes with dual front seats as standard. The brochure lists the individual passenger seat as an option and subject to special order only.
  2. Follow this Link for videos of the C and D National run by the Richmond Motor Club earlier this year.
  3. Wrap the bar ends with insulation tape. Coat the inside of the grips with petrol and slide on. You have to be quick as the grips get hold instantly. Never had a problem using this method.
  4. Thanks gents for your contributions. Tranny now sold and will have to make a decision shortly. Sorry ND but have decided not to go for a vito or a white van. Stuart
  5. Decided at last to change the van. The old tranny (190 high top) is now to big for our needs. Looking to get a smaller van to carry two bikes and have been recommended either the Scudo, Expert or dispatch. Which van is the best and what size engine should I go for. Stuart
  6. This is the Fuji picture where he is about to go into reverse. Stuart
  7. Results and pictures for todays C and D National hosted by the Richmond Motor Club can be found on their web site Stuart
  8. redvanman


    I've worked it out:- You were laid in the section and Grimbo was trying to avoid you.
  9. Is your real name GasGasTXTPro ??
  10. I have a 2002 manual that covers the 125, 200, 250 and the 280 models. email me if you want a copy.
  11. Park Rash is a Centre Championship trial at Coverdale run by RMC on May 8th
  12. Pictures courtesy of GasGasTxtPro can be found on the RMC Web site.
  13. redvanman

    Pdfs ?

    Drop me an email and I will forward them on for you.
  14. redvanman

    Pdfs ?

    Available in PDF format:- 2003 Pro engine parts 2003 Pro frame parts 2002 Pro service manual (English only) You won't need a 2003 or 2004 service manual as they are the same as the 2002 (My 2003 bikes came with 2002 manuals) except that the 2004 seems to hold more oil. Page TXT Pro 2004-7 says 550 c.c..
  15. Don't forget to take your ACU licence with you.
  16. N, If you want a bit more flexibility creating your DVD's try DVD-Lab from here You can download a 30 day trial. To create a DVD I tend to use more than one program. I use Ulead Video Studio 8 to copy, edit and compile my videos to MPEG2 format. Then use DVD Lab to create the final DVD and copy to hard drive. If the DVD is over size you can then recode using Nero and then finally burn the finished product to DVD. Have Fun. Four hours of video to edit should keep you occupied for a very long time.
  17. Results are now available for the RMC mintex youth trial held today at healaugh and should be uploaded to Richmond Motor Club very shortly. Photo's of today's trial can be found in the RMC site gallery. Top four: 1 Jothathan Richardson 2 Jonathan White 3 John Walker 4 Adam Hague Our very own gasgastxtpro (alias Yamaha Dude)made a guest appearance.
  18. AS above, Been using PJ 75W in 2003 Pro for two years now with no problems at all.
  19. TC Exclusive ---- First ever pictures of the new Ossa. It may look very similar to the old model but for security reasons it is heavily disguised to hide all the trick parts.
  20. redvanman

    Pictures Of...

    Picture of a Gas Gas 125 Pro. Hope it helps.
  21. Don't forget - First pictures of the TC trial can be seen at Stuart's Gallery.
  22. I've tried to get crash footage. Not easy with a camera.
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