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Everything posted by redvanman
  1. Sorry Doc about not being caught on the bike but I had no control at all over who or what ended up in the pictures. Entrusted my wife with the job and must give her 100% credit for such a good job done with a point and click. Anything is better than nothing. Funny how Kinnell appeared quite a lot though!
  2. First pictures for todays trial can be seen at Stuart's Gallery Yet another scoop for the TC Paparazzi. Again well done all at BDMC and the observers who made it all possible. Brilliant day.
  3. redvanman


    12- Footing when engine stopped. 6 - rider does not have both hands on bars when he foots whilst stationary
  4. Looking at the map - no contest - I would take the A65 every time. Unless of course you want the senic route. Bit of useless info:- According to Autoroute the A684 to hawes - oughtershaw - kettlewell - halton Gill is 6 miles further than using the A65 to Settle route.
  5. Welcome on board John. Will be nice to see some trials pics from the other side of the pond.
  6. redvanman


    Have two manuals for the old TXT model. see picture. Not sure how old the Contact TXT is but it does not cover the 280. The TXT 2001 manual has the 280 listed and would probably provide you with the info required. Let me know if you want a copy.
  7. Sounds like a good enough reason to sell them. Treet yourselves to an 03 or 04 pro.
  8. redvanman

    Pro Airboxes

    At Scarborough last weekend it was the beta lads who seemed to have problems. Air boxes were being emptied after every river section.
  9. Unofficial results. A Class Michael Brown 8 Sam Haslam 15 Lee Sampson 25 Alex Wigg 31 B Class 250 Nigel Crelin 13 Miles Jones 16 Alex Bland 18 Buster Reagan 30 B Class 125 Ross Danby 4 Robert Andrews 18 Jack Challoner 23 Jonathon Richardson 29 Zac Sherwin 38 Adam Jones 40
  10. Any one out there got a full list of the results?
  11. The 03 249 gasser is brilliant. As Perce has said, use first gear for most of the sections and you should do well. The 249 will go almost anywhere in first. To get that grip and softness but still have the "quick power" when needed try using a modified quick action throttle. File the first 12mm or so from the throttle barrel down to the level of a slow action. You can file as much as you want to suit your riding style. This way you get the best of both worlds, a slow action throttle at 0 to 1/4 opening with fast action comming in a little later. No reason for the gasser to look any more second hand than any other make. Rode a beta 200 lately and hated it. Stay with the gasser.
  12. Some dealers will sell you anything if they can. Wonder how many people out there think that trials and MX gear are the same. If you don't get the right gear for christmas how about naming and shaming the shop to stop others from making the same mistake. Do not know if your allowed to give these guys free advertising on TC so I would ckeck with Andy first. Stuart
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