Hi All
If you turn your shock upside down you may find that the shock will not work correctly. I spoke to my suspension supplier/repairer and he informed me that
the way the shock is in the new Sherco bikes is in fact the correct way up in the shock world. Also you are right gravity does help to keep the dirt away from
the seal area. He also said that it was very important to keep your bike clean in the area of the rear shock. You will find also that the shock has been fitted
with the seal down because the shocks are what they call emoulsion type of shocks eg oil with high press gas in them as well, so in the normal position as
fitted from the factory all the oil will be at the piston head and the gas at the top, so if you turn the shock upside down then you get gas at the piston head and oil at the bottom
which will cause the shock to not work correctly. I hope that makes sence to you.
The Wilburs shock has the shaft at the bottom, also the rebound adjuster can be got at easily, you will find that the TRP shock is also like this!
Life is full of choices
Hi Copemech
We have not yet fitted the Wilburs into a 09 yet but no doubt it will happen in due course.
As far as to the difference to the std shock it is heaps better in all aspects, and you also have to factor in that this shock is fully rebuildable and serviceable, where
the original shock is not. You have to make sure you keep the shock clean and give it a spray with WD40 or something to try and keep the dirt away from the shock
shaft, as thats what kills the shocks as, as you know the dirt can get in anywhere.
We were trying to get a YSS shock developed but when this came up with my suspension dealer becoming the Australia importer, we decided to order the wilburs and give it a
try, and time will tell regarding performance and reliability.
Johnny Sherco
Hi Borus / Hugo
The Wilburs shock i used was a Blue line shock part no 630-895-00 as recomended by Wilburs.
It is fitted with a 80kg rating spring.
This shock bolted straight into my 08 320 4T frame with no problems at all.
My impressions are
The build quality is superb
The shock has been made to fit the Sherco brand bike spot on
The shock has been tested along side a Sherco 08 290 2T fitted with a TRP shock and the first impressions are that it is every bit as good as the TRP and maybe even better when I
get it run in.
The bike feels very plush at the rear wheel now and the rear wheel seems to grip more.
It is good to see some trials riders do some RESEARCH before firing off at the hip.
I would recomend this shock to trials riders given the results from our testing and initial trials, as time and rides are put on the shock I will keep you posted
Johnny Sherco
Hi all and a happy new year to all trials riders.
I have fitted a Wilburs shock to my 08 320 4T in the last 2 weeks and this shock bolted straight in with no modifications to the shock or frame.
My suspension dealer got the shock for me and I believe that this shock has been developed in europe with some top riders using it.
The first impressions of the shock is that it is as good as a TRP and time will tell if the shock has the reliability and quality as the manufacturer claims.
This shock has 50 rebound clicks so setting it to your liking is not a problem and they are available with different spring rates.
Here in Australia they are retailing for $950au
In my research into the shocks this brand seems to be top shelf regarding build quality
Hi Baldilocks
You can retard the timing of the Cabystany model with the 2 stage mapping. The stator plate has the same slotted holes in it as before. I have retarded my one by 5mm and it runs very smooth on map 1.
I am trying a longer header pipe on the exhaust system for more low down torque to suit my style and level of riding. I have also been working to develop a new shock absorber with 22 compression adjustments and 60 rebound settings. This shock can be dialled in to suit any type or level of trials riding and I now have 3 up and running with no problems. I read in the latest YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE that Dabill has a shock with a remote reservoir on it so at least I am on the right track with my way of thinking. I have been using the standard Sherco spring on the shock and so far so good. I also had a ride on the 08 Sherco 4T and was very impressed with it, so much so that, it will be the next new Sherco for me.
Johnny Sherco
Hello The Addict
I can now let you know how I am getting on with my Caby 07, on setup I have fitted the 07 bars as I did not like the bend of the caby ones as well as fitting 5mm spacers under them, I run a slow action throttle as well.
I also run a gear setup of 9 x 44 on the sprockets and I have fitted one of our new YSS rear shocks which gives me 22 compression adjustments and 60 rebound adjustments, this shock is very plush and progressive in its dampning and doesent bottom out like the standard shocks. I did a trial at the weekend and this model sherco is a beauty. The engine is so crisp and sweet and smooth it is a pleasure to ride. The total package out of the box has been the best Sherco that I have had since I started riding them, it feels so small and nimble yet when you wind on the throttle it just goes. I like the setup with the throttle cable run now and the Kehin fitted from the factory, that is neatly done.
The looks of this bike is outstanding as well and the red rims finish it off. The 2 stage mapping makes a difference the the engine with map 2 giving it heaps of top end, though I will be using map 1 for most of my riding. BTY the 07 black bars look great on the bike instead of the gunmetal silver caby ones. This bike seems to get grip where my 07 290 struggled and I have not found the answer to that one yet as it is not the rider getting better ha. I would say that if the 08 bike is anything like this Caby replica then Sherco have a winner for 08, I will let you know more as it happens.
If you have turned the clicker out past 8 turns you will have upset the seat in the rebound valve, as Copemec said turn in until it bottoms out then 2 to 3 clicks out.
It sounds like the seal on the piston head inside the shock has let go and passing oil.
I have a great suspension guy here on Australia that can service and fix them.
The VFORCE3 reed number is V351C.
They work great on a Sherco both 290 and 125
Hello All Sherco riders
It may not be of help to all but down here in Victoria Australia we have a suspension specialist who can and does all my repairs on the Sachs 05, Olle 06 and Olle 07 Sherco shocks.
He has also rebuilt Beta shocks for me.
The success rate of the repairs has been 100% no problems at all with some of the repairs being better than new.
We are at the moment developing a new rear shock which will give us 22 compression settings and 60 rebound settings with a remote gas reservoir all fitted to a Sherco with minimal fuss.
This shock is fully rebuildable and can be revalved to suit any requirments.
Sherco Victoria Australia
Hello Big Ian
On the 290 change the sprockets to a 9/44 combination, fit a slow action throttle and retard the timing 8mm
the results are easyer starting and very smooth of the bottom and with the slower gearing it will slow you up and help you to ride smoother with better results
Happy new year
Hello Scott
We are running a 06 125 fitted with V-Force reeds and a Kehin carby, with the squish band reset and the flywheel lightened it is a real potent 125 and can rev as fast as you want it to. The V-Force reeds are good and well worth fitting and then spending the time jetting and timing the engine to make it all work
happy new year
Hello Jamie
To change the big end bearing you have to press apart the crank and you cannot reuse the crank pin again.
The parts book gives you a crank repair kit part no R212 which includes crank pin, bearing, and con rod all of which you need to do a proper job! Any good motorcycle repair shop will be able to press apart the crank and refit the new parts and align and balance the crankshaft.
Happy new year
Hey Webmonkey
Just have got my 4t fitted with a Keihin PWK28 and jetted by Howard Wallace and I can notice that the engine is running a lot smoother and easy to start cold now as you dont have to keep the choke on like the Delorto did until the engine was hot. The keihin fits straight in with only a small modification on the cable adjuster out the top of the carby and a couple of drain hoses, it looks very neat.
I am running the bike in a trial at the comming weekend and will let you know my thoughts after 50 sections and a full day with it.
The keihin's float hinges on a pin not like the Delorto, see for yourself on
Hey Honda RS
Just thought you would like to know that a bearing with a C3 clearance in it means that it has more clearance than that what a standard bearing has.
If you fit a normal bearing on the crankshaft the bearing would seize and lockup. With this in mind you can get movement in the main bearings.
Hey Honda RS
For a bike with a somewhat dubious lack of a pressure feed oil system, my 4T is running just great. Starts second kick every morning and first kick when hot. It does not use any oil and does not blow smoke like the 2 stroke bikes, and I will say it again it sounds fantastic. As far as servicing well I change my oil like the 2T people!!!!!!!
I noticed that Cabastany had no problems riding the bike or kick starting it
Hey Steve
I am located in Melbourne Victoria and run a Sherco Dealership and will be able to help your friend out with the hire of a bike and get him riding, though there is not much competitions here at that time of year.
Cheers johnnysherco
hey TrialsRfun
Regarding 2T v 4T running hotter.
The reason in my opinion is the fact that the 4T has the best induction and compression stroke and more compression giving a better burn of your fuel and hence more heat, due to a more efficent engine design.
Why waste fuel out the exhaust port when you can burn it and get more power in a 4T engine.
My Sherco 4T is running great and pulls like nothing else and is great to ride not to mention the extra grip a 4T gives you over the 2t.
In regards to the oil system in the Sherco 4T why complicate it more with an oil pump and as most people in this forum have forgotten if you have an oil pump which is a positive displacement pump you also need an oil pressure relief valve and as a after thought if you have oil pressure what happens if you spring a leak on the oil pressure side of the pump !!!!
As the man said keep it simple service man.
hello webmonkey
I have checked my 320 and I have taken a pic of the problem area and it looks as if the factory has fixed this problem in production now as my 320 has been chamfered and rounded off in production. hope you get your bike up and running asap
johnny sherco
g4321 not a bad theory re the loose valve clearances and yes there is a relationship between the 2. I have just finished giving my 320 a full going over and servicing the engine. On checking my valves the exhausts were 6 and 8thou with 6 being the right clearance, after setting the clearances to 6 thou and finishing the engine service i can not believe the change in starting the 320. Last w/end at a trial the bike had heaps of compression and was hard to kick over to get started, now all it takes is a light push with your foot and it fires into life with no fuss, with no great feel of compression. I spent a lot of time looking and photographing every thing and i can not see what caused the decomp to not work from new. Sherco has done a great job in the engine and the quality of the internals and set up with the cam and valve gear and the whole engine is outstanding in my opinion. The bike is great to ride and has heaps of grunt and it is outstanding in hill climbs and it seems to find traction where the 2t does not. I think it will take a few trials to get used to the 4t and the torque of the engine. Also the sound makes everyone turn around to see what is making that fantastic note ah. johnnysherco
Howard the automatic decompressor works by a shaft attached to the centrafugal weight which is spring loaded to engage when the engine is stopped. when the engine fires and runs the weight gets thrown outwards and disengages the shaft due to a flat machined in the shaft.
I checked my engine tonight and i can get you a photo if you would like to see it in detail. I am very impressed by the build quality of the engine and the internal finish of the castings. I also loosened up the triangle casing and removed it to fully check the start mechanism. My bike starts well after setting the float level to 18.6mm and now it does not flood the engine.
The bike did not miss a beat during its first trial at the w/end and a few riders had their first taste of the 4 stroke magic. The longer it was ridden the better the engine seemed to get and now after its first service and checkover I am looking forward to the next trial.