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Everything posted by myzeneye
  1. right.... just finished fitting them....... verdict...... frickin sweeeeet ! cleaned rims with degreaser, then acetone, then just carfully applied the stickers.... a little fiddely but not too taxing.... they look great ,im well happy.... they were off ebay, listed for 25 quid but had a "make me an offer" option.... 15 quid was all i paid so im well happy.... will try and geta piccy on tomorrow...
  2. cheers guys, think ive got some meths in the garage somewhere... if not, im sure a can of brake cleaner will come in usefull for other things too.... im not sure its totally necesarry, but taking the wheels off and fetching them indoors to warm up sounds like a good idea are they easy enough to get on straight or will i end up with wheels that look badly buckled when they spin..hahahha i did see some smart looking striping and an application tool on ebay for just a tenner (after i had bought my sherco decals) but i do prefer the wider ones which say sherco on them.... i did want some fancy gold anadised rims but i think stripping the wheels down and having them anadised them rebuilt by someone who knows what they are doing will just cost way too much.......hahahah stickers it is !
  3. ive ordered some of them wheel rim decals for my bike.... any one got any advice on hows best to stick them on so that they fit and stick well.... ? im guessing white spirit or petrol wipedown, maybe some heat from a hair dryer and then a steady hand to peel and stick.... ? any advice is welcome.... thanks guys...
  4. nice one jay.... ill have a look at some >05 sticker sets then.... cheers
  5. guys, my bikes a 2003 sherco 250.... id like to renew the sticker set on the bike, but all the decent designs seem to be for the newer models... ? can anyone tell me if the rear mud guard with the vents in, off the newer model bikes (say 06-07 etc) are interchangable or the same fit as my 2003 model ? or would it be a completly different fit and match to the different tank aswell ? if its not interchangable , would the sticker set from a newer bike fit the old (2003) rear mudguard (would it just have the slits missing where the vents are in the newer mudguard ? also, is the tank a similar shape for the shape of the sticker... if its not possible to do or if there completly different in shape,ahh well, ill keep searching for some older ones, but if it just means swapping the rear muddy for a newer shape one and fitting the newer decals, well then its pimp my ride time...hahahha thanks guys...
  6. oh, fart on it. well, there just should be more coverage, even if it is on satelite channels in the dead of night..... just imagine how good a revamp of kick start could be..... the original was must see veiwing for any boy when i were'a lad...with todays gadgetry and what not, it could be bloody brill ! what we need is some mega rich trials enthusiast to make it happen...... oh well, we can all wish....hahahahah (yes yes yes,,, i watch it on youtube and dvds but its just a shame the sports channels dont cover the larger events...)
  7. ahhh o.k, wishful thinking eh... nevermind... do you think there'l be any ssdt on ?
  8. wasnt sure what section to post this thread in..... sorry... would it be possible for the forum to have a section which could alert us to any trials coverage of any kind which is to be broadcast on tv ? i managed to v+ the final rounds of the SPEA FIM X-Trail world indoor championships in milan on euro sport 2, but i caught it purley by chance...hahaha anyway, to my suprise, both the missus and the boy have watched it over and over with me when theres nothing else on the box and we've enjoyed it immensly... me, even more so because her indoors had shown keen support and interest too, which is a first ! hahaha anyhoo, could we have a section on here where any coverage is listed so;s not to miss it ? at the minute all i can do is scroll thru the euro sport listings a few days in advance at a time, and if there is any trials on, its usually in the middle of the night... im hoping there will be some decent coverage of the SSDT on ? if anyone can advise, please, let me know... edit : oh, and if there already is a section for this.... appologies in advance ....hahahha
  9. cheers dabber....ill trek up there on saturday... there used to be a very small shop in northwhich called p.a.b ..... any one know if its still going ?
  10. i like it.....im onto it right now......... thanks...
  11. guys, i seriously need to visit a shop for helmet purchase... buying on line is just no good for sizing......can anyone who lives in the northwest tell me where any decent sized shops are near me.... im in runcorn but i occaisionally travel to my mums near dollgellu, wales if theres any out that north/mid wales way too..... thanks guys....
  12. thanks, it makes perfect sense.... never thought of doing that... do you have a picture tho, idlike to see it before i start drilling holes in me bike...hahaha as for the fan, it spins freely and i cant see it being in contact with anything...
  13. hahaha take it on the chin..... yes i know i aint gonna be doing any world class type sections but im quite sure ill be able to do some world class falling off !!! hahaha ive bought my lid, its an nau overkill, fits well and has plenty of vision.... but after having a pretty serious road bike crash im now quite a wuss when it comes to watching vids of poeple getting hurt, never used to bother me, but now i guess i can relate rather well to the shock and pain im whitnessing...hahaha as i said, my lid is an open faced trials helmet, but seeing adam raga do a horrible face plat onto rock and not have any chance at all put his arms out etc made me think....going over the bars can be very easily done, i dont think id enjoy it oh well, i guess ill just take it easy...
  14. thanks....ill take a closer look.....never thought of that kind of issue....
  15. hi folks.... ive read a few threads debating the use of full face lids and as i can gather, the general majority of riders prefer the standard open face trials helmet for obvious reasons of visibilty and movement.... im new to trials and can agree with them issues, but ive just been watching some vid's on youtube and seen some bloody horrendous crashes that did make me think..... i saw a vid with adam raga which looked just bloody horrible !!!allthough im not attempting anything like the riding mr raga pulls off im sure my falling off skills could give him a run for his money.....hahaha... anyway i probably wont, but it did make me think weather or not i should wear a full face lid.... does anyone else wear one or is it just a plain old no no on the trials scene.... if you do wear one, which one do you wear ? edit: after a search on here i see this has been covered before...sorry. but form what ive read it seems only the guys in the u.s will tend to go for the full fat option.....are there many folk on the uk trials scene who wear them ? or am i just barking up the wrong tree....? hahahahahaa
  16. cheers big foot....thats a bummer, there a few quid from what i can gather.... its not terribly loud or screechy, its just noticlible... is a "good" fan fairly quiet then ? could it just be a wonky fan blade ?
  17. had my first proper outing on my bike yesterday.... it was great... but what i did notice was that when the cooling fan kicked in it seemed a little noisey... like schreeching plastic sort of sound...? should /am i able to lube it, if so, where do i lube and what should i use ? or is this normal for it to be a bit noisey....it seemed to be spinning fine and only kicked in periodically for short bursts at a time..... at least one good thing, i could tell it was kicking in and working ! better then not hearing it spin at all i suppose ! also, one other small thing...... is it possible to repostion the carb at any other slight angle as getting access to knock the choke off after ive put it on from a cold start is a tad fiddly to say the least...or is this again normal and simply not the best of designs...? as always, any guidance is greatly appreciated...
  18. thanks, can anyone point me in the right direction for a uk sherco dealer ? edit : actually, splatshop seem to have most parts covered.... thanks
  19. bet your boots dont last long....
  20. thanks.... i just looked on their website and from what i can see, they only do bits for post 2006 bikes....mines a 2003 model..... maybe im not searching right....
  21. any one know where i can get some replacement rubber stickers for the frame just above my foot pegs... ? my bikes a 2003 250 sherco and the ones that are on already seem to be made of some very thick looking rubber stuff in a very crappy carbon effect..... i dont mind the crappy carbon look but would like to replace them at least to try and tidy things up a little..... i realaise new ones will just end up like the ones that ive got already but i dont mind....just wanna tidy the bike up as much as i can... thanks
  22. god dang sherco,.... i had another do at it today..... removed the tank and slackened off the front bolt hole... it seemed to move up a good amount and i thought it would deffo help, but it never...hahaha... as i tried to tighten it back up it seems to pull back flat and slide back in to it position... i even tried doing it with the cdi (?) pulled out of the bracket but no joy.... i eventually got the front bolt hole to move up a little but it did little in the way of helping the tank sit back down snug on the fram near the seat area.... all i can say is it was fitted ok before i took it off, all i did was change the spark plug and put the cap back on the same...no it just dont fit, it just dont look right...?it looks like the engine mount is what is obstructing it, im guessing due to the tank swelling....im gonna remove the mount tomorrow and fit the tank just to see if that is what is causing it ? (dont panic, ill put the engine mount back in before i ride it!) ive seen the price of new tanks for this bike........... and there frickin out rageous........
  23. cheers for the info... yep, i had intended to put cable ties on the rear mudguard instead of the bolts, but the fact that the where out of line just got me focused on tryna get the dam thing back where it should be.... the bolt your saying to loosen...are you talking about the nut you screw the bolt into at the top of the petrol tank ? i did way that one up but it seemed very tight, i wondered if it was tacked into the frame as it didnt seem to want to budge... ill give it a go in the morning.... ill let you know how i get on.... the petrol cap..... it doesnt seem to want to catch the thread at all.... ive examined it closely and theres no signs of cross threading or any deformitys ....its just so bloody tight and doesnt wanna catch the thread ? also, because i cant get it screwed on right im not sure if it should sit flat (you know,parralel with the floor) or slightly angled back with the angled fall of the tank.. ? friggin bike....
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