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  1. thanks helmet! i have pirelli's ( as i assume alot of us with vintage bikes do as well)-looks like i'll be looking at a set of michelin's unless someone can compare them to dunlops......
  2. i would like to stay with tube types-the budget won't allow going tubless.spending way to much money on aluminum and titanium!
  3. i know this may seem like a crazy question-but has anyone ever weighed a set of tires? trying to find the lightest set possible ( yeah,i know-a set of worn bald ones are lighter-ha ha). but i can't seem to find weight specs on trials tires from the companies.
  4. FINALLY!!!!! i picked up the bike Jay sent me-what a pleasant suprise! overall it's 10 times better than the "nice" bike i got on the 'bay!(more proof that you can't go by pictures alone!) wasn't happy with the carb set up on it-so i slipped on a dellorto that i tricked out.-man what a fun bike!instant wheelies and even a couple "stoppies" with the beat brake cable and worn shoes!and much to my suprise-this bike shifts super smooth as well. i've been fabricating/modifying/obtaining parts for the first bike-but it looks like this second one will get it all. my goal is to get the weight down to about 195lbs with no gas.listed weight is 215lbs-so i have my work cut out. you know it's bad when you're trying to figure out how many holes you can put in a cable adjuster lock ring! hoping to have it ready to compete early october at a vintage trials event.a huge thanks goes out to Jay for selling me this bike.now i'm totally commited! Jay-email me a number to get a hold of you-the daytime number i gave you for me is no longer good.
  5. yep-i'm still alive. i've just gone through the most insane nightmare move to a new house-i've been without internet for almost a month,stuff still in boxes-new garage looks like 50 tons of motorcycle stuff fell from outerspace..and so on.haven't had a chance to even think about the italjet! i've been so jammed up that i haven't even picked up the one you sent me jay! (very kind people at forward air!!!!). so-i haven't forgotten or been ignoring-just swamped! jay- contact me so i can get together with you on details about the bike. plus-i found another bike in canada that i'm having shipped in pieces next week!-well better get to clearing a spot (big one!) for this ensuing project! JP
  6. hey jay that's a pic of the actual bike i bought.....right? LOL! i have the brochures-i love the butt ugly green-it actually grows on you-or maybe it's all that VP race gas.........
  7. if i'm a really poor trials rider,it won't matter.it's funny though,the mags didn't say it was that bad,couple people did very well on them in this country,and the model lasted 5 years.yes,i have ridden the one,although not much-it will do.plus it's kinda fun being the freak - i'll always have an excuse for why i'll do so poorly,but what will they say when this horrrible bike and rider do better than some of them????anyway -it's about fun, I like them and will enjoy them. so be it.
  8. told you guys i was crazy-i just bought another one!
  9. thanks for the lead. it's nice to have people respond to a newbie-even if i'm being bullheaded about my machine of choice. will post before,during and after pics of this project.
  10. true-but i need some of these pieces just for making patterns. sprockets can be made-but it would be cheaper to buy n.o.s. sprockets unless i get a batch made.the manual i do really need-gasket sets save time-the tank saves time as well-plus i actually like green! (but would be happy with white too!) if i ask for everything-then i might get stuff that people might otherwise think i wouldn't want but could actually use-plus it can't hurt-that's how i accumulated so much KTM stuff. thanks for responding!
  11. can't help but try to see if there's any original stuff around first. if i can't ,then i will build,adapt,create. it would be nice to just bolt some of this stuff on as i am already creating alot of special stuff for it-will be a VERY light and neat bike when done.
  12. service/owners manuals,sprockets,tanks,seats,any plastic.gasket sets,rings,pistons,airbox,carb boot to airbox.,rubber piece for chain tensioner,exhaust system. yes- i will stay with these non wanted bikes. i am serious as well. can't go the easy route every time-someone has to ride the "bad" bikes too! thanks for replying! JP
  13. that's who i tried-i even had a KTM friend of mine stop by his shop.said he had very little left-after i sent numerous emails,i assume he doesn't want to be bothered.
  14. only if you learn how to use a lawn mower!
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