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Maverick popped down to Hythe to fetch an almost spotless Chopper bicycle he had snatched on Ebay for himself, to ride when Mini-Maverick is out on his motorbike. On the way back he popped in at our place and Goose and Mrs Goose got there shortly afterwards. One thing led to another over the next few hours and ended up with the Scorpa coming out of hiding, for Maverick to play on and also for Goose who is 6'4" tall to have a go one. ........ (Cue madmans laugh) Wa ha ha ha..... !! Goose was totally hooked in minutes and laughing like a mad man as well. Maverick and Mini-Maverick took a few runs as well, with the little guy having a whale of a time...... I had a run up and down the garden too, and realised just how much I missed riding. It seems I may have corrupted both into wanting a trial bike as well now. Real sorry guys !! Sure you wont regret it.
With the camera that is. We went of to do a wobbler over at Royal Tunbridge Wells today. I need to get some admin done, so will just post up pics mainly. Thanks to Tom for taking the photos, and running around the fields. I had not ridden or even started the bike for about 10 weeks now. Nice place. Sections were not all easy. There is a fair amount of mud, water, so the bikes and we were dirty pretty soon. First time I got bogged down and had to walk the bike out. I then went around and did it again, and blasted through and actually cleared it easily. Tom did his whole Papparazzi thing all day, looking for more than just the obvious in the pis he took. Chris was on hand as well to help and guide, here he was teasing me about having to wash the bike later. Something I have never done, ever since flipping an almost new bike aged about 14 and ripping its rear off. Left to Right..... Pete, Chris, me and Jon.... an awesome day for all of us. I still managed to fall of decently later int he day when I was doing the red routes based on Pete and Jon's goading. Jon has an ability to make me do stuff I should not... Great friend he is Lovely area to ride. Cow poop flying everywhere.... Just how old are we ?? Pete doing bunny hops or whatever you want to call them, both wheels in the air. Tom just could not get them in the lens at the time.
Last week I came back from a job interview and the first thing I tend to do is get out of the suit and tie, into shorts and T-Shirt. The missus saw me getting changed and squaked at me "What's that ? " I looked where she was pointing and realised that the fall at Chads farm on the red had come through. Sorry for the sensitive amongst you.... what has been seen, cannot be unseen.
And you are so right.... thank goodness.
So true. Interesting..... underpants.... I cannot for the life of me understand why people want to wear Boxers under clothes, when I grew up underpants were and in my view still are meant to be comfy. Not that this is a thread or forum on underpants , I would never fit into her underwear anyway
I had a job interview yesterday, and when I came home, the first thing I needed to do was to get out of the 3 piece suit and collar & tie, and of course get my shorts and sandals on...... thats the way I roll. When I had stripped off, and was about to put my garage shorts on, she squaked..... I thought one of the cats had either crapped on the bed (highly unlikely) or brought a kill into the bedroom. When I asked her what ?? he pointed at my ass and said.... "What happened there? " I checked in the mirror and found that Chads Farms wobbler 10 days ago had left a mark on my side, I probably did not leave the stones and tree roots unmarked either though. I had done a red oute after clearing a yellow, and managed to come unstuck from the bike at the top of the last loop before exiting section, but did not fall or stall the bike, but when I wheeled it around, my boots slipped on the flint stones and I thudded onto my side, bike still running and in hand. It throbbed a bit, and later I felt a lump in there somewhere, but gave it no further thought until Nicola saw it and commented that I really should consider stamp collecting or even crocheting. Said bruise.
In other good news, Tom came home from 10 days holiday in Malta tonight, and one of the first things he asked about when he came into the house, was how "his" Beta trials bike was. To me that is great news. He also asked when we were riding again, which is Saturday over in Watford area at Berkhamsted. Told him he could probably not ride, to which he responded no problem, he still wanted to come. Surprises indeed. In the mean time I have just completed club membership application, and they allow family members under 18 free membership. So it looks like he will be riding. Another thing..... Nicola told me to start looking for a 2/3 bike trailer, so that we can get both bikes to venues. Today's progress with the garage was actually good. I also went to B&Q Hardware with Jon's VW van to fetch some more 25mm plywood for the wall above the workbenches, to fit tools etc. What it looked like tonight when I finished up. I will continue to sort out stuff tomorrow and to try create some more order. I also want to add some more shelves on the wall.
Trial de Arinsal in Andorra Well, I know a few guys who do. Check it out, who else would go ride there ?? Now form an orderly queue.
We had a trial at Chads farm today. The routes were all definitely ramped up for difficulty levels. On the first section we did.... section 8 , because there were so many people, I did Yellow AND cleared it, then I did the red, which was a lot more complex.... and managed to fall off good and propper, smacking my knee and landing on my side.... below my hip, but above my thigh (no idea what that area is called) and by the time the day waqs over 5 hrs later it was quite sensitive. The rest of the day was a stormer, and at one point, Chris, who we ride with sometimes, saw what I was doing, after I had invited him to do a 3foot tree stump uphill, and he refused. He commented to Jon and Pete that I seemed to have progressed a lot since the trial at Pett about 4 weeks ago. Pete and Jon have done so much to increase my confidence,and Jon often calls me a "pussy" which gets me to do mad stuff. All in all, another great day out on the bike, it felt sharper after the service we gave it last week. Sorry, no pics, Tom is in Malta on holiday.
Thanks guys, the fight against his dark room/dark side/X-Box/PS3/Online games/Being a teenager does not stop here. What I woud like is for me to have to try keep him off the bike, rather than offering opportunities to practice.
Agreed with all the responses above. I am glad you found the trials bike has revitalised you and chalenges a new part of your mind and riding style.
Thanks again to Jon "Lebowski"...... it seems I am thanking him a lot lately. More details in a moment. Since Tom has has shown what seems to be more than a passing interest in the Trials bike at home, riding my Scorpa a few times (Possibly because he will be 16 in October and wants to get onto a 50cc for school and general scooting about) What's in the garage: Madass 50cc After his first 15 minutes riding this was him. Next day by the 45 minute mark, more confident, but still cautious. At the weekend out at Hookwoods he had an objective to ride over a small log or stick which he did not reach after this little happening at the end of the day..... though the rest of the day was great and he was a bit knackered at that point from running around in the woods taking loads of photographs. I GUESS THIS IS NOT QUITE THE SAME AS PLAYING X-BOX IN A GAMING CHAIR. Learning about spotting for madness. Jon "Lebowski" offered me his spare 2001 Beta Rev-3 250cc trials bike a few months ago, should I want to teach Tom to ride, as I had mentioned I was planning to let him ride my Scorpa. At first I refused as I was happy to let Tom play on my bike and get to know the basics with the Scorpa and break it if needed. However, since he seems to have more than a passing interest in riding, and Pete has loaned him a Helmet and Boots, and I got him some gloves all af which fit comfortably, I asked Jon last week if the offer still stood...... of course, and fortunately it did. So today we went down to Whitstable harbour for a coffee and then collected the Beta and brought it back here. Tom knew we were fetching the bike and being school holidays, would normaly be on the X-Box/Internet/Online Gaming etc in his dungeon (Bedroom) When we got back, he was straight out and helped with the unloading, stroking the bike and asking loads of questions. Jon went through the basics with him again and set him loose. First thing to mention is that the Beta is fitted with a regular throttle, rather than the "fast throttle" fitted to the Scorpa, so he seemed to take to it better. The other thing, for Tom being lefthanded etc, is the kickstarter is on the wrong side. A few loops up and down the lawn later, I suggested he go up to the side of the house and loop back and then onto the deck and come down the two steps onto the lawn (most wives should look away at this point, I know thats as bad as boots on the kitchen table) I saw the instant look of panic on his face, but then told him to practice just rolling off the deck without the engine running, which worked perfectly and surprised him.... the grin was worth the effort. Next up was doing it with the engine running, easy peasy. I also pulled a railway sleeper onto the lawn, to give him the opportunity to ride over the log he wanted to do over the weekend. His face and words were a perfect reward for me : "It was soooo easy, I thought it would be real difficult" I did not get to do a decent video, but in it you will hear his mum and sister cheering when they saw him go down the 3rd time, so at least the support group is growing. Logjamming !!!! Lastly, the video. Now we just ned time and space to let Tom rideand practice to get up to speed. I will register him under the adults fo his ACU competition license after ctober, then he can come out to play with the grown ups.
Having a blast indeed. I do not get to ride any time except over weekends when we go out to ride, but have to say, Time = Success.
Just had to post the pic below on another bike forum to illustrate a point and decided to kick off a new thread for those wondering if they should or should not take up trials. I am amazed that in less than 30 hours total on this bike, as I do not get to ride it every weekend or inbetween, I ride when Jon and Pete go out. I have gone from paddling, dabbing and general frustration, tense muscles and pains in places I had forgotten about, to my first few splatts over the weekend. 18th Feb, was the fist time ever on a trials bike. Last weekend, my first log "splatt" I know it is not as impressive as many of you guys, but it is massive progress for me, thanks to the help of guys like Pete and Jon. And one of my previous mindblocks..... rocks. Anyone having doubts about this side of motorcycling.... get out and do it. Typically I use less than 3 liters of petrol on a day before I am absolutely knackered, entry to trials or riding sites range between