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Everything posted by halhark
  1. Right ive had the bike out for a decent run (and spilled haha). After about 10 minutes water started firing out of a small hole in the water overflow tank cap. Is this hole in as standard as its pretty neatly drilled with a holed nipple inside? And what reasons would it come out at such pressure, just simple over heating? The fan didnt start once even with the water level high. So im guessing that needs replacing and or thermostat? I cant seem to find any sort of wiring diagrams for the bike. At the fuse box there is a loose white wire, any ideas where its from or does? Old light perhaps? The guy i got it off, i think has filled the exhaust (which is some rubbish replacment thing) with rock wool.. I think its collecting oil, which is leaking from the jubilee clipped joint. Will that become an issue? Anyway im going to take a load of pictures tomorrow. Bare in mind this bike cost me practically nothing so try not to laugh to hard! Thanks, Hal.
  2. Thanks for the replies. I thought it shouldn't lose the water, had it warming up stood for awhile and didn't notice any leaks, kicks off first time and runs nice. I will do some more checks tonight. As for the fan, when it stops, it stops completely. I'm guessing these use a thermostat? I noticed this morning a small single core white wire hanging not connected to the fuse box, could this be part if the old lighting? Thanks again, Hal.
  3. Hello all, ive just purchased my first trials bike. A ruff and ready 1994(I believe from pictures)Fantic K Roo. Having only rode reasonably new road bikes 600/1000cc my practical knowledge of bike mechanics is limited! I have a few questions im struggling with. Firstly the bike seems to lose all its water within about 45 mins of general riding(No big hills or long rides). Is this normal? If not what are the possible problems? Would replacing the water with coolant help? Also i have noticed the fan gets stuck pretty much as soon as you get going. Is this a common fault with this model? Could this be connected to the water problem? I've checked for any obstructions and there arent any. Could it be an electrical problem? And finally, Im in need of some cosmetic parts, i.e plastics, levers etc. Ive had a browse online with not much luck. Any points in the right direction would be appreciated. And actually, any advice for things to look out for on this model and things to change etc would also be nice! Thanks! Hal.
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