Hi. I am a transplanted Brit who immigrated to Canada in 1974.I have been riding trials on and off for the past 45 years. Before leaving the UK I made the terrible mistake of getting rid of my Greeves Scottish early 60's X works bike. I believe it may have been Don Smiths ride at some point in his career.
My present bike is a 1983 Can-Am 310 which I purchased from new. Also, along with the parts catalog and owners manual was a covering letter signed by the great Jeff Smith, who was a consultant for Can-Am at that time. I rode the Can-Am in competitive trials as a solo machine for many years before adding a Trident hack/sidecar. As the only member of my trials club (The Take 5 Trials Club. Winnipeg.) to own a sidecar outfit, competition was somewhat non-existing but the WOW! factor was a lot of fun. I have not ridden competitively for a long time, but now that I have retired and may be moving to Kelowna BC (Trial riders heaven) in the near future, I don't think I'll be selling my bike any time soon.
I must add, that I am very impressed with the quality and content of this web site, and it's great to see a Canadian connection.
Regards, Mike Brewer