I just thought I'd stick the old Reverential nose into here & introduce myself, so if I can buy anyone a drink just ask..
So here's hoping I've done the right thing, then. Turned fifty & still want to hurt myself riding those bloomin' bikes, so my mother said to me this afternoon. Doesn't have to be like that, does it? I mean, it's all about low speed skill & balance, surely?
Yeah, right.
I've had a fair few years in the past with the TRF (Trail Riders Fellowship for non UK folks) but got fed up with the constant confrontations with stupid people & red tape. Love the principle, hate the practicality.
Had a few years competing in some of the three main UK Long Distance historic trials run by The Motor Cycling Club (MCC) such as the Edinburgh, Lands End & Exeter (my favourite one) on machinery ranging from a Honda XL185 through to an extremely knarly BMW GS/WASP outfit, on which I nearly killed my female passenger half way up Slippery Sam. My how she laughs, nowadays..
Being a porker & inherently lazy these days, I've just treated myself to a Montesa Cota 4rt and despite wobbling like a warm jelly on a plate, I'm enjoying getting to know the beastie. I'm lucky enough to be able to wobble around my rear garden, but the times looming when I'll have to send off for my ACU licence and join my nearest club, which I think is the Nene Valley Trials Club.
Have I done the right thing? Should I have taken up golf? I promise to keep you updated..
Reverend Wobble