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  1. We'd all still have to have a set of the generic rules, lists of officials, costs, procedures and the National Sporting Code. I'd make a bet that it would cost a lot more to seperate the disciplines that it does to put them all in one book as now. And remember, it is important that every competitor has the chance to read the rules so that they can sign on to ride an event. I think it's a fair system, the cd version might suit some people fair enough, but it would mean the Clerk of the Course would have to take a lap top to the event to read it if needed.
  2. Must be a begginers trial, they look like real wobblers!
  3. Open a picture hosting account with someone like photobucket which is free. Upload them to there and paste the link into your forum post. The picture will thenappear in your post. CLICK HERE Pete
  4. It's all mud here and I personally prefer the IRC over the Michelin. The IRC's certainly don't last as long though.
  5. Lets all try to look past things that can easily be changed. I badly cut out hole can soon be cnc machined on a production bike and the logo/colour on the tank can be changed in a jiffy. Fundamentally, does it show promise?
  6. Without the the password I can't change the password or email address. And with the old email address long gone, I can't get a new password. Is there anyway around the problem? Or will I be frozen out the first time I log off? That'll teach me to make a note of the password.
  7. Isn't is funny how the new Greeves is getting different comments to the new Xispa, even before anyone has seen or ridden it and with a much higher price. Maybe you get what you pay for?
  8. Vid 1 Vid 2 Vid 3 Vid 4 Vid 5 Vid 6 Vid 7 Vid 8 Steve Saunders won the trial on 4 marks from Mark HIcken on 21 and John Cowley on 22 The Clubman route was won by Phil Ducker on 8 with Darren Butcher and Ali Haigh both on on 9 Thanks to the Evesham club for staging such a good trial. Pete
  9. I'll give it a go. Cheers.
  10. Luckily I am using the old computer to post this. If I was relying on the new lap top I would be stuck. I've had emails from TC before but the rest email hasn't appeared. I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong. I can't remember the last time I logged out of TC
  11. In this case I think I would give a one. However, the important thing is the observe everyone the same.
  12. The other half has bought a lap top and I've tried to log onto TC but my pass word isn't being recognised. I've applied for a 'forgotten password reset' but have had no reply. Has anyone else tried the password reset recently? I don't know if something is going wrong or if I am just being pc illiterate again. Cheers Pete
  13. scorpa3

    Newbie Sorry

    It's impossible to say which bike is better as a 8 or 10 year old buy without seeing them and even trying them both. If both bikes were still new I would definately say keep well clear of the 280, it's a bike that suits more experienced riders, you would probably find the Techno was easier to ride in easy sections and far less tiring, so you'd enjoy riding the Beta more.
  14. scorpa3

    Newbie Sorry

    Welcome to TC. The '98 Techno was a well refined macnine. The model had been out since 1993, each year there were subtle improvements, so a '98 should be a good bet. Every 10 year old trials bike could have issues with wear and tear, so it really does depend on the condidtion of the one you are looking at. If it is in immaculate order, I would guess that
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