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Everything posted by cwill83247
  1. Thanks for the lengthy comments and assuming I am vain , however it would have been more helpful if u had posted pics as the post asked .. I didn't ask for opinion about myself as an individual or if I should buy wheel stickers
  2. has anyone fitted the gas gas pro racing wheel decals to a non gas gas pro if that makes sense and do you have pics, I am thinking of fitting them or the s3 rim decals before spend £40 was wondering hwat it would look like Cheers Chris
  3. Thanks all I will follow Jim snells instructions , that guy is awesome
  4. Hope someone can help ... To disengage clutch I have to pull it all the way to the grip .. I have adjusted the pin , just can't get it to disengage so can disengage a fingers width so can operate clutch with a finger if that makes sense
  5. Buy something that has been looked after.. And is reliable most important thing is to ride and enjoy it
  6. Hi can anyone tell me when the trials season runs in the uk, thanks
  7. Well thanks for every ones advice went with the x light .. Don't know if it's in the mind but does seem to give more grip especially on rocks..
  8. Thanks all for your advice .. Still haven't decided though I am put off by the x lites if they puncture that easily.. But the extra grip is tempting
  9. Hi, I need a new back tyre and just after some advice price wise not much difference..between x light and X11 I have been told x light isn't as durable but I only ride approx 20 times a year mix of rocky streams and forestry type terrain.. I am a novice so will I notice any diffence anyway lol.. Any advice would be welcome.. Thanks
  10. Hi, I need a new back tyre and just after some advice price wise not much difference..between x light and X11 I have been told x light isn't as durable but I only ride approx 20 times a year mix of rocky streams and forestry type terrain.. I am a novice so will I notice any diffence anyway lol.. Any advice would be welcome.. Thanks
  11. Thanks all much appreciated .. Some excellent suggestions
  12. Just wonder how / any tips for getting oil into the gas gas pro's it drives me nuts.. Someone must have an expert tip.. Mines a 2004 Thanks Chris
  13. Watch these videos http://youtu.be/XgKLrVBn2O8 helped me do a complete rebuild hope they help
  14. Paul welcome I am from Pontypridd way .. If u are down this way then let me know.. I tend to ride Saturday mornings ..mi am a beginner too..
  15. Thanks all . Will be definitely doing a Steve Saunders day
  16. Guys looking for some sort of official type training in the South Wales area.. If you can point me in direction would be appreciated.. I am aware of project 2000 stuff, just wondering if anything else about.. Done my first event and came last so need to knuckle down and stop pottering around lol Thanks
  17. Well followed the advice given and went back to basics Removed head and it was coked up cleaned up the head and piston New plug . Drained fuel Replaced with super unleaded No more pinking (pinging for our American friends) Happy days.. I will keep you posted as haven't gone for a ride but ran it until nice and warm fan kicked in and no horrible noise when blip throttle.. Hope this helps someone else thanks all..
  18. If it's never been road registered which majority of off road bikes haven't then unlikely it would come up in any searches of companies offering the stolen checking service. I am a cautious type so if instinct thinks too good to be true then I would walk away.. However buying a bike is exciting.. U are the only one who has seen the bike and the owner..and u will come across this problem a lot unless the bike has a v5 Good luck..
  19. I changed jets didn't make much difference .. My next 2 things are to decoke head from what I have read is your plug sooty .? And to set the squish..
  20. I changed jets didn't make much difference .. My next 2 things are to decoke head from what I have read is your plug sooty .? And to set the squish..
  21. Check near kickstart shaft on the casing for any cracks .. That's were mine turned out to be ..
  22. Fair point .. it seems to run perfectly on choke .. Seems to pink when not on choke..
  23. I have a 2003 gas gas pro and just wondering if anyone can advise what jetting they run and needle position ? The carb is a dellorto phbl26 I have Main 120 Pilot 33 The clip on the needle is at the lowest point Cheers Chris
  24. Can confirm the penny trick worked a charm for me.. I now keep the trusted penny ready and waiting
  25. Rainey apologies for the delay unfortunately still can't figure it out.. On choke it's fine I will let you know if get to bottom of it..
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