Hi I have a 2003 gas gas pro runs like a dream and sounds good when on choke.. But then when choke is off makes like a knock noise when low revs or if blip throttle quickly.l
Is this what's known as pinking .. Any help or advice would be appreciated ..
Hypnoelvis and piker welcome I am the same had enduro now gone down trials route.. I am from Pontypridd and a lot of people recommend Bwlfa farm over in the Rhondda 5 quid all day
If u fancy it we could arrange a day out over there.. I am in process of booking in for project 2000 training in neath next month .. Then do an event by April ..
Sorry if seems stupid question but when riding across a steep incline or trying to turn across an incline I always wipe out..
Should my weight be on inside peg or outside peg
Cheers it's driving me nuts
I am looking to get some training to give me a kick up backside and help me improve .. I tend just to plod around and not progress my technique think formal training would be great ..
Any advice would be welcome .. I will be doing project 2000 stuff in new year when they run ..I based in pontypridd
Or if anyone doesn't mind a newbie tagging along that would be great
Cheers and merry Christmas
Sorry may seem a simple question for most but how can you tell when your rings need to be changed ?
Do u. Have to take top of head of each time to check .?
I have read previous posts but not sure I am understanding fully.. Hoping someone can give me a idiots explanation
My understanding
The smaller screw adjust amount of air if I screw it in means less air but higher fuel to air so this is running rich ???
On gas gas pro you only have an air screw
The bigger screw just adjusts tick over and doesn't affect rich or lean running
And finally it's better to run rich than lean
Hope I am on right lines cheers chris
Thanks all for help - already got Ryan young which is awesome if not a bit old fashioned .. I just think as we all do Toni Bou is awesome so will still end up buying it.. Thanks
I am 35 and wondering wether left it too late to start and start doing competitions ?
Any advice would be great .. And if can recommend any clubs and ways of getting practice in
Thanks all now fixed !!!!!! Happy days !!!
I watched the video from Jim on youtube same one as lineaway posted in his response shows removing kickstart and more importanty replacing the kicstart and pre-winding.. if you search youtube for Gas Gas Pro or search for gasgasinfo loads of really good videos.. you have to watch them and pick out the bits you need.. the actual bearing i used a copper bar and tapped out from behind exactly as itsafives resonse above...
My issue after I fitted it all with rubbing on the idler gear seems to have been that I had not fitted a washer that sits on the kickstart shaft between the casing..
Thanks again !!!! Now just have to learn to ride