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  1. Jon thank you for this detailed information. Very much appreciated. Regards, Richard
  2. thank you for your replys. Ill check the waterpump seal and change the seal if it shows evidence of being worn. Is the ratio of 70:1 correct? (or there abouts?) Yep asda do their own 2 stroke oil, for mixing.
  3. Hi all, I have a problem with my 97 gasgas jtx2560 eating spark plugs. I use the bp6es NGK plugs (as recommended). My problem I have is they tend to "oil up" and die. The thing that springs to mind as the root cause is the fuel mixture. Im using unleaded fuel with asda own 2 stroke oil (could this be the problem?) with a ratio of 70:1. Does this ratio sound about right? I find im going through a plug every 3-4 hours of usage (normally out for an hour at a time). Can anybody help? Best Regards, Richard.
  4. folks a somewhat silly question - My dad and i bought bikes within a week or each other. he got a 99 tx270 and i bought a 97 jtx250 (gas gas). He has been having trouble with the bike going through plugs - and the guy he bought it happened to he was using leaded petrol in the mixture. For my 97 tjx250 bike - should i be using leaded or unleaded fuel when mixing up the 2 stoke mix? thanks, Richard
  5. thanks for the replies - ill be sure to knock off the fuel next time im out between breaks. further development - i oiled the throttle cable and located the slider back in the carb and built the bike back up again. I took the idel screw right out then put it in with a single turn (so tick over should be a slow as it would go) I also reset the mixture screw and gave it 3 and 1/4 turns. I kicked the bike and away she went - tick over good. But with 1 minute once she started getting warm the engine revs started rising and rising. Any ideas folks? Thinking need to strip er down and take the carb right out. Break it down, clean and rebuild. What do we think? Many thanks, richard
  6. The last couple of times ive been out on my bike Ive encountered an issue with engine ideling. It always seems to happen when the bike it warm and I knock it off for a quick break (5-10 minutes) Upon kick starting the bike the engine idel rev is significantly increased and when I rev the bike the idel increases further (its as if the throttle it sticking). When its in this stage if im going up an incline or open the throttle full tilt the engine bogs down and starts to die. Heres what ive done so far: Removed the air filter - which was absolutly filthy. Removed the fuel tank and gined access to the top of the carb. Removed the 2 bolts which hold the the throttle cable,spring and carb "float" (not sure what exactly this is called). When the throttle is twisted the float rises and falls in its clyiner freely, and does not stick. Ive removed this assembley and dripped light oil down into the length of the throttle cable housing. Has anyone any ideas of what else could be causing this problem? Any help you can give would be much appreciated. Regards Richard
  7. evening all, this is my first post so "hi" to everybody. just become the proud owner of a 1997 gas gas (250cc) - been about 10 years since ive been on a trials bike, and back then it was a yamaha ty80! just wanted to ask if there are any renound problems/issues with my bike which i should look out for? richard.
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