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Posts posted by shedracer
  1. Well thanks for all your useful information, I was hoping there would be an actual tool that Braktec recommended, but haven't had a reply from them yet! Surely the Trials teams that use this must know?


    I want to remove the caps, pistons and seals, so I can get them powder coated a particular colour. 


    Thanks again for your thought and if and if I ever do a get a reply from Braktec, I'll let you know. 

  2. Sorry if this is the wrong section, but I thought this subject is not specific to one make of bike and would get more chance of getting a reply in this section. 


    The new style Braktec monobloc brakes have two covers on the front face (as seen in the attached photo), which look like Torx, but the size of Torx wrench has me stumped, on where to get that size. Anybody else removed these covers, what tool did you use please?

    Thanks for your assistance. 





  3. Couldn't agree more, as a rider, I always thank the observers and organisers, I appreciate and respect them for their dedication and help, for without them, our sport would be in a sorry state. All too often, riders forget or don't care about those who make the events what they are. 


    Working unsociable shifts, I get little time to attend events as much as I would like, but I have for many, many years now, observed for my local Club, on the ACU Classic Trials Championship and ACU National Trials Championship rounds. It is very noticeable, that it is the minority that say thank you, or even acknowledge you at all. More often than not now, I feel like I should have not bothered and done something else with my time. This was not the case many years ago, it would have been the majority, who spoke to you and thanked you for your time. 


    I have admit, I nolonger look forward to observing at these events and I am now seriously thinking of calling it a day!


    Riders, whoever they maybe (top British Championship or just your average Clubman), need to seriously consider their actions, as the future of their sport, may well be very different, if the volunteers are no longer prepared to do what they do. 

    • Like 2
  4. So glad Graham is getting the recognition and rewards, he justly deserves. I always thought he didn't get the true recognition, when he was doing trials, as Dougie was getting it all.

    Well done Graham.

  5. Joe you've done an outstanding job, looking forward to receiving mine when it's ready (no rush).

    I'm thinking along the same lines as jj65, a very light weight carbon cover, although it could prove quite expensive to produce a handful, unless theirs a DIY carbon fibre builder amongst us? Although their could be demand from other RTL owners, with damaged silencers.

  6. Yes some truly great Honda's and nice to meet some great people. Finally got to see Franck's RTL and it was superb, the bike of the show (Honda) and it was difficult to choose, has to go to Tony King's Honda TLM 260 RF and Franck's RTL 250 SF, both simply stunning. Franck's bike is superb and the work that has gone into making all the Titanium bits, frame and engine parts are simply brilliant. Tony's TLM has had just as much blood sweat and tears put into his bike, many parts made by him and the finished bike is superb.

    • Like 2
  7. Hi joe, nice to meet you and your good lady. Your doing a great job and when you convince Franck to part with one of his trick silencers, you can start work on one of them. ? Joking aside, well done on tackling this project, you've done something that the experts weren't prepared to do. ?

    • Like 1
  8. I have some parts I want making for a restoration project, I have found it incredibly difficult to find someone to make them, as most company's don't want the work either because it's not in the100 or 1000's of parts or the quote is ridiculous as they don't really want to do it, or because I'm not VAT registered!!!

    Anyway, can anybody recommend a machinist who might be willing to discuss the work and is either in the Oxfordshire, Wiltshire or Berkshire area.

    Your help would be much appreciated.


  9. Perfectly understand Joe, we have also had this problem of finding good and reliable companys. Maybe Telford might be a good place to talk to others, that might have recommendations on who to use. When I had my DID rims anodised gold, the company that did it did a crap job. I had to have them re-done by Talon, unfortunately they didn't get the right colour gold I wanted! :-(

    Definitely don't want Highly polished, I had to do my original like that after it was renovated as jj65. It doesn't look too bad, but Not original. I was going to get it Aqua blasted for the nice satin look, but as I couldn't get it anodised (due it being a used silencer and no anodisers will put that in their tank), so I couldn't seal the satin finish.

    After all the hard work you've done so far, definitely worth waiting that extra time and getting it how you want it. Telford might bring some answers.

    • Like 2
  10. Joe, I'm not so sure on lacquer, for reasons as stated by Woody and others. What about getting it Aqua blasted, this give a real nice satin look and finish and then anodised over that, just an idea worth thinking about.

    • Like 1
  11. Back from anodised. I still need to get it lacquered, this won't happen before Telford though. Which is why it might look dull. This is what it'll be like for Telford.

    I'm pleased.

    Joe I'm surprised it didn't come out shinny from the anodisers, what was the finish prep on the alloy prior to taking it in?

    One thought on this and maybe someone else could answer it, would Electropolishing be the answer prior to anodising?

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