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neils on wheels

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Everything posted by neils on wheels
  1. [/size] Al, Yesterday I replaced the inner clutch cover on my 2008 Beta, which has been standing for a while. The inner lip of the 'P' shaped seal groove was corroded away to the point that coolant leaked past the rubber seal. I cannot post a picture since I have already disposed of the old case. However no coolant had passed the impeller shaft seal to mix with the gearbox oil. From the picture you have posted & your description of milky oil, yours does not appear to have this problem, but a different one of coolant entering the gearbox oil.
  2. I have seen on the web today that they have announced Pol Tarres as their rider for 2012. Not a great surprise I guess, but an indication they will be supporting and probably hoping to win,the Junior WTC.
  3. I'm the guy that Billy mentioned who explained the physics behind the lighter feel. Essentially it is down to a lower rotating mass being easier to deflect & hence change direction. But you've no need to worry about that, you just need to be confident enough to take the plunge. I have ridden 125s for quite a while at clubman level and would recommed you to have a go. I've currently got a very lighly used 2008 Beta Rev3 which has been sat for two years whilst I recover from a back problem. I have not come across anything in a Midland Centre trial where the bike has held me back; sadly the reverse is not true. Over the past few years 125s have become much more usable with proper torque characteristics, whereas previously they were all about revs and top end power. You do need to be a bit more careful with gear choice but generally the lower power contributes to better grip & you can get away with using the lowest gear possible.
  4. Nice one Rosey! invoking the spirit of Spit the Dog
  5. Old trials fanatic, I applaud your stance But question your consistency!
  6. Forget your spandex boys,here is some old school trials gear & a nice video featuring Wiggy, Sam Haslam, Jonathan Richardson & Harry Crawford
  7. So, Ben the name GasGasBen, what's that all about?
  8. http://www.ukworldtrial.com/ So it is I'll request some Midge spray for my Christmas stocking!
  9. And here is a quote from Honda, that refers to 4 stroke development: Koji Maehara, President of Montesa Honda S.A: "Toni is the best trial rider in the world and we knew that the year his contract was to finish, he would be tempted by most of the other manufacturers competing in the Trial World Championship. Therefore, I'm proud that Toni has again trusted in Montesa and our commitment to continue developing the 4-stroke technology that has given us our latest world titles in the speciality".
  10. I just saw that on Todo Trial too. Why would Honda develop a new 2 stroke, when they are 1st & 3rd in the world with their current 4 stroke and have the best rider in the world? To be frank, having signed Bou for another 2 years they are my and I suspect many others, odds on favourites for 2 more world titles (4 if you count the indoor series).
  11. Is it a good move for Fajardo? I think it will depend on how well developed the bike is. He really should be the guy that is a challenger to Bou but has never quite made the step up in performance or consistency. I'd love to see him improve in the way Bou did when he went to Montesa, so we have a challenger for the WTC, but honestly I don't see it happening. I hope the reverse doesn't happen such that we see him slip back in the way the young Robert Crawford did when he left Beta to ride an under developed Montesa.
  12. Billy, It's down angular momentum. The higher the rotating mass, the higher the rotation speed and the greater that mass is away from its axis, the more angular momentum there is in the engine. This translates to the bike being harder to deflect from its current direction and hence feeling heavier. Whilst the difference in overall weight of a 125 to a 250/280/300 is small, most of that weight difference rotates, i.e. the piston, con rod, crank & flywheel. Also the fact that a larger engine has a larger stroke increases its angular momentum & explains why a 225 (short stroke) will feel lighter than a 250 (long stroke) despite a small difference in engine size and overall weight. Regarding the future Trial 125 4-stroke. It has a relatively high rotating mass (there are lots more bits spinning round in a 4 stroke than a 2 stroke) plus as a sleeved down 250 it has a relatively long stroke, the same as the 250, & hence the crank, piston & con rod mass is spinning further away from its axis than in a 125 with a short stroke. Both of these factors increase angular momentum & hence the feeling that the bike is heavier when turning or moving it around.
  13. They are claiming that bike weighs 60Kg! They haven't confessed yet which bit of it weighs 60Kg
  14. Ossa have released a press statement and a new video of Colmer riding the bike. With all the investment they are making production starts in September and they anticipate selling 1,250 bikes this year, then 2,500 in 2011. It would be good to see them in the WTC. Let's play fantasy trials riders. Who do you think they will have as their top rider?
  15. English football failings aside, JD reported on a fantastic trial that was universally applauded. He also questioned, as many of us did, whether Mart had got it right when he first looked at the sections. He probably should realise that Mart Lampkin understands world trials better than any of us. Back to football, it looks like more Spanish sporting success could be on its way.
  16. We currently have 4 trials manufacturers marketing bikes (Montesa/Honda; Beta; Gas Gas & Sherco). Two more appear on the verge of relaunching (Scorpa & Xispa/XPA) Two more revived brands have new bikes that may imminently be launched (Greeves & Ossa) Can such a small sport as trials really support eight manufacturers? I suspect not and whilst I would like it to be untrue I suspect the enthusiasm and optimism of the new entrants may be clouding their commercial judgement. How many of these eight do you think will be viably making & selling bikes in two years time when the WTC next arrives in Fort William?
  17. The only thing that disappointed me was the crowd's attitude at times. I stood on more than one section, including section 4, and heard members of the crowd barracking observers, sometimes en masse, to attempt to alter their decision. Riders & minders I can understand, though not excuse; the crowd hassling observers I just cannot understand.
  18. Swinny, I bought some Diadora straps from BVM mail order
  19. Pete, I read on the SSDT site that Doug had electrical problems
  20. No disrespect to him, but the fact that Michael Brown fived every section & still scored championship points really shows how daft the WTC has become. Hopefully all the effort our lads have made will pay dividends in Portugal after an enforced holiday! Me & Mrs Neils on Wheels are stranded in Madrid after a holiday in Seville. I think I missed a trick not asking to be diverted to Porto!
  21. Hi All, Does anyone know if it is possible to get a trials bike inside a Land Rover 110 hard top? I've looked at dimensions and it appears marginal, so I'd welcome feedback from anyone that has actually tried it. Thanks, Neil
  22. Can anyone help with advice for setting up a bike's riding position for a 5'6" rider? That's 1.68m in new money. I ride a 2008 125 Rev3, so any shorter adults or schoolboy riders may have helpful advice. I'm happy with the suspension action as I've softened it up for my 65Kg weight and have taken about 20mm off the width of the bars. I still feel that I am over stretched when riding, in particular, I seem to be strecthing a long way forward to reach the bars. Neil
  23. Except of course that the Japenese drive on the left, like the British
  24. You're right GJ 15cc per litre I should have said, so 75cc in a 5 litre can. Apologies if anyone siezed their bike in the last hour or two, mind you it would cure that oiling problem!
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