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  1. https://www.thehellteam.com/ Helpful/Knowledgeable folk in Sydney Australia.
  2. This is info from the 1980's, pretty sure MJ was 100. Carb Jetting.pdf Engine Oil.pdf
  3. Lowside, as I posted previously, I have one that is new/unused for $40 AUD if you decide that is what you want. I also have a Two or Three Trial used slow black tube for $10 AUD. So $50 AUD + Postage from Australia to wherever, just saying.
  4. Don't know for certain but Domino would be silly to confuse us between white/black tubes on their limited throttle, so my guess is "fast throttle". Buy their "limited" throttle and their "black" tube and you've got all bases covered in my opinion. PS: Check photo, definitely fast white tube.
  5. Domino did once make an adjustable throttle, don't know if they still do however. The HellTeam here in Australia had them available a while back. https://www.thehellteam.com/throttle-domino-variable PS: I bought one years ago that never got used and still in unopened packaging, can sell it for $40 AUD plus postage if anyone is interested.
  6. Parts manual images attached for 1974 MAR mk2, don't know dimensions other than ridiculous 12mm internal diameter. Looking at the parts manual you need spacer tube #106659 and two aligning spacers #105604 for the rear wheel. Google those part numbers and see if anything pops up, best of luck.
  7. Yes, they are Bernie Schreiber bars by Answer.
  8. 65-70Nm according to my Fantic 300 manual.
  9. Yes, It appears that way to me. DRM, pump your front tyre to something like 20 psi now, check it again in 24 hours. Figure it out from there. Simple like me. First time poster, we've probably been duped.
  10. You can't be serious with a question like that, surely?
  11. fourex

    Handle bars

    Yes, modern Trials bike bars are fat in the middle (28.6mm) and don't have or need a cross brace. I just searched your previous posts and see you're possibly looking for bars for a Sherpa T, you need to look at 7/8" (22.2mm) bars for these older bikes that have standard top triple clamp. Many different brands out there and they're all good as far as I'm concerned but, if you're looking at the Renthal website then look for 7/8" Trials bars, 742(4.5"), 660(5.0"), 735(5.5"), 768(6.0"). They all come with a cross brace.
  12. fourex

    Handle bars

    This is pretty cool from the Renthal website, a comparison tool for bars, you can clearly see all the differences between the two bars you select. https://www.renthal.com/worksfit/
  13. You're on the money there Larry, maybe cyclesavant? David Snyder perhaps or similar. Pretty sure he was out of Oregon. https://www.ebay.com/str/cyclesavant
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