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Everything posted by motomanandy
  1. I can understand if the piston crown has a build-up of carbon it will lower the compression causing it to pink but why the head and rings out? compression was tested a month ago and was stock! surly its just an octane issue!
  2. Is anyone else having detonation issues? I bought the bike in summer 315r 2003, i noticed it was detonating so i switched fuel to 97 ron bt ultimate which cured it...until now it came back im thinking i might need to run an octain booster!!??
  3. Doug wasnt at the fast eddy last weekend in tong either! knighter was on form though no one was near all race,jarvis second,great days racing!
  4. Why is it there are no trials events this time of year but motocross and enduros are everywhere? do trials bikes not like the cold or somat? lets get going its 2012
  5. Theyve been around for years now and havent taken off for a few reasons: cost of production and maintainance, disposal of servicable parts ie batteries, although the electric way seems greener from a production point of view the engine is superior and less harmfull to the enviroment. The major car manufaturers have been tinkering with the same technology and are still a decade away.
  6. Ive tried alot of sprays on my mx covers,all of them didnt last very long,stone chips,discolouring from cleaning fluids etc... Powder coating is the only way in my opinion!
  7. Your right it did put me off a bit,too muddy for me to enjoy! im putting her away untill summer
  8. Youll find with the 315r people hold on to them even when they buy a new bike! They are that good
  9. That looks sweet,really nice looking bike that!!
  10. Ill fight off the whiskey hase and give the clubman class ago then, cheers
  11. Try angle towards a japanese made bike,if you chose well a year down the line your wallet will thank you!
  12. I work for a mitsubishi dealership.We are testing the new electric mitsubishi 'imiev' we have had it for a few months now and i must say it is absolute crap and i have it by first hand this has class leading technology! It constantly requires charging, lasts for aprox 70 miles on an over night charge and dont even think about getting heavy footed it doesnt last half an hour! The motors and batteries cost so much this tiny guttless car has a price tag of
  13. I will never sell the montesa its just so over engineered and robust 'a montesa is for life not just for christmas' spread the love
  14. I knew i wasnt alone....the curves....that tail pipe,and the awkwardness of the choke lever..
  15. I love my montesa 315R so much
  16. Im planning on doing the presidents trial post hill leeds on boxing day.Ive had a bike for 3 months but never entered a trial.Which class do i enter? Looking at the novice class its down to do the hard course whereas the clubman class does the easy course! so i guess clubman classes are where a rider should start?
  17. petrol softens the rubber,i do this in summer to ride hardpack tracks on the mx bikes.You need to cover the tyre a couple of times about 1/2 hr before a race.Unlike the other products i find petrol does the job then evaporates whereas the others linger .I havent needed to use this on my trials bike though as the rubber is very soft anyway!
  18. chance would be a fine thing there are no shops around me i have to get everything online!
  19. Theres various enduro goggles on sale with a double lens to stop fogging id start there! How much sweat are we talking? i get the odd bead running into my eye now and again! merry xmas
  20. Ive tried a few gear oils now over the last 3 months 4 to be exact, motal putoline light gear castrol and atf my conclusion is the ATF was by far the best for a few reasons : Clutch warm-up takes less time i no longer have to wait and hold the cluch in for the plates to release on 'cold' gear engagement. :Noticably less clutch noise while feathering under load. :cost. Has anyone tried anything similar and found different results?
  21. Thanks for the replys! Ive made a list and put it under the tree for santa If i was buying them i would go for the silver s3 hard rock adjustable pegs from splatshop,they just look great for the price and im sucked in slightly by the adjustable spacers i love messing about with bike settings even if i make it worse!
  22. Just the usual lid,boots and gloves..for trials,and for mx/xc and enduro lid,boots,gloves and neckbrace. Nothing is 100% safe but lets face it unless your splatting large rocks you would be unlucky to pick up a serious injury doing trials,the human body will take a hell of a lot more punishement than some people think especially at christmas
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