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Everything posted by junfan
  1. Cheers for the replies guys! I have 3 KTMs that I race - anyone that knows KTM will know that you can pretty replace everything with shiny orange goodies! I have no illusions as to my skill on this bike...and totally agree that you can't beat time on the pegs After going out both Sat and Sun I guess I just got hooked instantly so whilst working away hard at work (kinda!) I just had a look at what bits I could buy....always dangerous! All I've done so far is buy some raptor pegs as I run them on all my KTMs - and some sxs frame guards. The frame guards are only attached with 1 cable tie each...not the greatest ive seen to be honest! I've joined Berko trials club and Milton Buzzard - so any riders who want to give me a few pointers/dont mind me tagging along...that would be great I'll steer clear of shiny bobbins! Thanks again! Rob
  2. Hi, Picked up my brand new 250 yesterday (first trials bike - absolutely loving it!!) - was just wondering whether you can get different/uprated expansion chambers and silencers for these? I've seen an exp chamber made by Thor - do they give different characteristics to the bike - on all my Enduro/Motocross bikes I have changed the expansion chamber (headers) and silencers and it improves the bikes no end....just wondered if it was the same with trials bikes! Thanks Rob
  3. Where's the open day? Do you have to register?
  4. Don't know how many Sherco's you see at trials...as not been to any :/ do you not see many? My local trials club is at berkhamstead, so I'll go have a look and see if anyone is nice enough to let me have a go on a couple don't want to rush into anything (like the Ducati 1198s I have sat in the garage...for sale btw !) and wish I'd bought a different bike. You'll always find someone that has had a bad experience with a manufacturer if you ask enough people...as they'll be the ones that are vocal about their bad experiences I guess. Cheers for all the replies...I'll let you know how I get on
  5. 4RT = Montesa? Aren't they almost 7k? What was wrong with the Sherco?
  6. Cheers - just what I wanted to hear Noooo way am I looking at anything bigger - been spat off the back of bikes enough times Thanks again
  7. Hi all, I've ridden motocross and enduro for years - and am just getting rid of my road bikes before I get myself in trouble :\ have been researching trials bikes for a while, and have had a go on an older (2003?) Beta and loved it. It was a bit of a shed, but enjoyed how different it was from enduro etc. I was originally looking at getting a new Gas Gas (250) but then the new Sherco 250 seems to have got rave reviews, and is meant to be user friendly. I normally jump into bike purchases head first...so am taking my time (a bit!) with this one....is there really a massive difference between the models, or is a newbie like myself likely to notice very little between the different makes? Cheers Rob
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