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Everything posted by 2plus10
  1. Heard many, many moons ago that the scaphoid takes ages to heel, and is often the bone that brakes in a fall due to your instinct of putting your hand out top save yourself.
  2. I may be wrong, and happy to stand corrected but it's that area BA owned land and access to it for trials riding permitted from long time back.
  3. Stroll on chap, you're going a bit over the top there are you not. Next you'll be wanting them shot. I'm with you all in regards protecting what you have, but this attitude of "grassing up folk" with cameras etc really is a bit over the top, there is enough namby pamby do gooders out there as it is looking to shop anyone and everyone for the slightest thing nowadays, it's about time folk started minding their own business. All of which is entirely my own opinion I may add.
  4. There is also a nice bultaco close, but maybe slightly more than I'm looking to pay. Do these type of bikes need much upkeep, as mechanically I am hopeless.
  5. There is a clean looking ossa not far from me at what looks a good price, but neither of you have mentioned that make, which in turn has me thinking maybe not ??
  6. Are they worth the buying ? Sold my bike the other day so have cash burning a hole and fancy something different. Couple on ebay at the mo and look like they've been well restored. What problems will/would I encounter if I do buy one ? Thanks in advance.
  7. Can someone tell me the benefits of fitting a stiffer rear sping than on standard shock ?? I'm guessing they are set up for around approx 12 stone rider, when I'm 15 stone, so considering a stiffer spring, but, what benefit does it bring ??
  8. 2plus10

    125 ?

    A couple weeks back you were asking if £1600 was a good price for an 09, what happened to that ?
  9. I would put a pound to a penny on a bet that those doing so are well known, top riders from around that area.
  10. Oh dear, seems you two were both off the day they taught irony at school.
  11. That's all very well, but can he do any of that on a trials bike ?
  12. eh ? He stopped longer at the bottom than the first lad did 5
  13. You're second point may be technically correct, but from that angle, the observer wouldn't have seen his knee touching down, and can't give what he doesn't see.
  14. That IMO is a clean also. edit to say, that he actually, technically rode it with less "stop" than the other clip, who looked more like two stops, one at the bottom and one half way up, either way, they would've been cleans from me.
  15. Jeez, that's a tough call. I've seen folk stop longer at the scottish and bet they never got fived for similar. If I was observing, it would be a clean.
  16. 2plus10

    First Time

    Unfortunately that isn't the case anymore for those who pass a test in the UK for 17-19 yr olds, they are now restricted to 125's, though I see the chap if from Canada, so maybe best to pass a test over there where I assume the laws are different.
  17. 2plus10

    First Time

    Next time you see a rider at the Scottish with a plate that size will be the first time
  18. I watched it from 40 - 47 mins and would say that none of those I seen had a "stop" IMHO
  19. 2plus10

    The Rules

    As long as he was being consistent with his marking there shouldn't be an issue......surely ?
  20. 2plus10

    The Rules

    Sorry, what was the question again
  21. Can someone enlighten me to what advantages there is to fitting a Keihn carb over a dellorto ? For example fitting one on a modern 250 Thanks in advance
  22. Post content removed. There is absolutely zero evidence to support your claims, which could be considered libellous.
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